Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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quaân v. to enlist in the army

      ñaàu soû n. chief, leader, ringleader, gang leader

      ñaàu taét maët toái v. to toil hard, to be extremely busy

      ñaàu teâu v. to instigate, to promote

      ñaàu thai adj. reincarnated [laøm into]

      ñaàu thuù v. to surrender oneself

      ñaàu thöøa ñuoâi theïo n. odds and ends

      ñaàu tieân adj. first; at first

      ñaàu tö v. to invest

      ñaäu 1 n. bean, pea 2 v. (= ñoã) [of birds] to perch; [of vehicles] to stop, to park; [of candidate] to pass an examination 3 v. to pass an examination

      ñaäu ñuõa n. string beans

      ñaäu khaáu n. nutmeg

      ñaäu laøo n. typhoid fever

      ñaäu muøa n. small pox

      ñaäu naønh n. soybeans

      ñaäu phoïng n. (= laïc) peanuts

      ñaäu töông n. soybeans

      ñaäu xanh n. green beans

      ñaây n., pron., adv. here, this place; this; now: ôû ñaây, taïi ñaây here, at this place

      ñaáy 1 n., pron. there, that place; that: Ai ñaáy? Who’s there? Who is it?; ôû ñaáy, taïi ñaáy there, at that place 2 adv. [final particle in questions containing ai, gì, chi, naøo, ñaâu, sao, bao giôø]

      ñaày v., adj. [SV maõn] full, filled; to have fully: ñaày tuoåi toâi [of infant] to be fully one-year old

      ñaày aép adj. full to the brim

      ñaày buïng adj. having indigestion

      ñaày daãy adj. full to the brim, full of

      ñaày ñaën adj. plump, shapely; [face] to be round

      ñaày ñuû adj. enough, full, complete; well provided

      ñaày tôù n. servant

      ñaày traøn v. to overflow

      ñaåy v. to push, to shove

      ñaåy maïnh v. to push, to promote

      ñaãy adj. (= beùo) fat; full

      ñaãy ñaø adj. big and fat, plump

      ñaäy v. to cover [with a lid or stopper]

      ñe 1 v. to threaten: moái ñe doaï danger, threat 2 n. anvil CL caùi

      ñeø v. to press down, to crush, to squeeze

      ñeø beïp v. to crush; to overwhelm

      ñeû v. [SV sinh, saûn] (= sinh) to be born; to bear [child con], to lay [eggs tröùng], to give birth [ra to]; [of animals] to throw; [of bitch, she-wolf, she-bear] to whelp; mother; you [my mother]: sinh ñeû to have children; ñau ñeû to be in labor; ñeû non to have a premature baby; ngaøy sinh thaùng ñeû date of birth; tieáng meï ñeû mother tongue

      ñem v. to take or to bring along [RV ñeán to a place, ñi away, laïi forth, about, leân up, veà back, vaøo in, xuoáng down]

      ñen adj. [SV haéc] black; unlucky; dark: toái ñen pitch-dark; soá ñen/ vaän ñen bad luck

      ñeøn n. [SV ñaêng] lamp; light: ñeøn ñieän electric light; ñeøn pha searchlight, headlight [of a car]; taét ñeøn to switch off the light; chao ñeøn, chuïp ñeøn lamp shade

      ñeo v. to wear, to put on: ñeo nöõ trang to wear jewelry; ñeo kính to wear glasses

      ñeo ñuoåi v. to pursue, to stick to [career]

      ñeøo n. mountain pass

      ñeøo v. to carry on one’s vehicle or bicycle

      ñeõo v. to whittle, to trim, to square; to squeeze [money tieàn]

      ñeïp adj. [SV myõ] beautiful, pretty, attractive, handsome: saéc ñeïp/veû ñeïp beauty; laøm ñeïp loøng to please

      ñeïp duyeân v. to marry [vôùi, cuøng precedes object]

      ñeïp ñeõ adj. See ñeïp

      ñeïp trai adj. [of man] handsome

      ñeùt 1 adj. dried up, withered, thin 2 v. to whip

      ñeâ n. dike

      ñeâ ñieàu n. dikes, levees, dams

      ñeâ heøn adj. mean, base

      ñeâ maït adj. vile, mean

      ñeâ meâ v. to be drunk, to be under the spell of

      ñeâ tieän adj. coward, abject

      ñeá 1 n. sole [of shoe], base, stand; root 2 n. R emperor, ruler; imperialism: hoaøng ñeá emperor

      ñeá cheá n. monarchy

      ñeá ñoâ n. capital city

      ñeá quoác n. empire, imperialist

      Ñeá Thieân Ñeá Thích n. Angkor Wat

      ñeá vöông n. king, emperor, ruler

      ñeà 1 n. fig tree; CL caây 2 v. to write, to inscribe, to address [a letter] 3 n. subject, title: ñaàu ñeà subject [of exam]; nhan ñeà title [of book]

      ñeà aùn n. proposal project, program

      ñeà bieän v. to defend [thesis]

      ñeà cao v. to uphold, to give prominence to: ñeà cao caûnh giaùc to enhance one’s vigilance

      ñeà caäp v. to mention, to touch on, to bring up [a problem]

      ñeà cöû v. to nominate

      ñeà hueà adj. crowded; harmonious

      ñeà khôûi v. to put forth [proposal]

      ñeà lao n. jail

      ñeà muïc n. title [of book, article, etc.], heading

      ñeà nghò v., n. to suggest, to propose; move, suggestion, proposal, motion CL lôøi, baûn [with ñöa ra or ñeä trình to submit; uûng hoä to support, to second]


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