Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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beurre] butter: phết bơ to butter

      bơ phờ adj. disheveled; to be tired, worn out

      bơ vơ adj. abandoned, helpless, friendless, lonely: cuộc đời bơ vơ a lonely life

      bớ intj. Hello! Hey!

      bờ n. edge, rim, bank, limit, border: bờ cõi limits, frontier, territory; bờ hè sidewalk; bờ ruộng path at edge of ricefield; bờ bể, bờ biển seashore, coastline; lên bờ to go ashore; bờ hồ lakeshore

      bở adj. friable, crumbly; to be gainful

      bỡ ngỡ adj. new and inexperienced, at fault

      bợ 1 v. to flatter servilely: bợ đỡ to be toady, to flatter 2 v. to lift with both palms extended

      bơi v. to swim (= lội); to row, paddle (= chèo): bể bơi swimming pool; tập bơi to learn swimming; bơi lội swimming

      bới v. to dig with fingers or paws; to dig up: bới chuyện to dig up a story; bới việc to find work; bới lỗi to find fault/mistake; bới lông tìm vết to discover weak points

      bởi conj. because, since, for; because of, by, on account of, due to: bởi thế/vậy therefore, because of that; Bởi đâu/sao? Why?; bởi vì because, since

      bơm v., n. [Fr. pompe] to pump, to inflate; pump, inflator

      bờm n. mane: bờm ngựa mane of horse; bờm sư tử mane of lion

      bợm adj. smart, clever, artful, skillful

      bỡn v. to kid, to joke, to tease: Ðừng đùa bỡn làm gì! Don’t joke!; bỡn cợt to tease

      bợn n. dirt, stain, spot, impurity

      bớp v. (= bợp) to slap, to smack: bớp tai to slap lightly one’s head

      bớt v. [opp. thêm] to lessen, to reduce, to lower, to decrease; to cut down; to be better in health: bỏ bớt to reduce, to cut down; nói bớt lời to speak less, be less talkative; bớt mồm, bớt miệng to talk less, to scold less; bớt một thêm hai to bargain, to haggle; ăn bớt to practice squeezing

      bu 1 n. mother 2 n. coop: bu gà chicken coop

      bú v. to suckle: cho bú to nurse, to breast-feed; thôi bú to wean

      bù 1 adj. [of hair đầu, tóc] ruffled, disheveled: đầu bù tóc rối dishevel ed and tangled hairs 2 v. to make up, to compensate for: chẳng/ chả bù với in contrast with

      bù đầu adj. very busy

      bù khú v. to have a rollicking time together; to enjoy each other’s company

      bù loong n. [Fr. boulon] bolt

      bù lu bù loa adj., n. raising a hue and cry; crying lustily, wailing, moaning

      bù nhìn n. scarecrow, dummy, puppet: chính phủ bù nhìn a puppet government; bù nhìn rơm a straw dummy

      bù trừ v. to compensate, to make up: quỹ bù trừ compensation fund

      bụ adj. [of child] to be plump, chubby, fat

      búa n. hammer: búa đinh claw hammer; một nhát búa a hammer strike; trên đe dưới búa between the hammer and the anvil

      bùa n. [SV phù] written charm, amulet: bùa mê, bùa yêu love amulet; bùa hộ mạng/ mệnh, bùa hộ thân talisman

      bục n. platform, rostrum, dais: bước lên bục to step up to the platform

      bùi adj. having a nutty flavor, buttery taste

      bùi ngùi adj. sad, melancholic

      bụi 1 n., adj. dust; dusty: phủi bụi to dust; bụi bặm dusty 2 n. clump, bush, thicket, grove: bụi tre a bamboo grove

      bụm v. to scoop up with one’s hands; to cup in one’s hands

      bún n. soft noodles made of rice flour, vermicelli: mềm như bún to be soft as rice noodles; bún bò beef noodles; bún chả rice noodles with grilled pork

      bùn n., adj. mud, mire; muddy: rẻ như bùn to be dirt-cheap

      bùn lầy adj. muddy, slushy: đường sá bùn lầy muddy road

      bủn rủn adj. paralyzed, flabby, limp

      bủn xỉn adj. very stingy; mean

      bung v. to burst open, to come apart

      bung xung n. shield; puppet; scapegoat

      búng v. to flip one’s fingers/fillip, to flick

      bùng v. to flare up, to blow up [precedes or follows main verb]: cháy bùng to go up in flames; bùng nổ [of hostilities] to break out

      bủng adj. jaundiced, sallow

      bụng n. belly, stomach, tummy; heart: tốt bụng to be good-hearted; xấu bụng to be mean; đau bụng to have a stomach upset; bụng chửa to be pregnant

      buộc v. to bind, to fasten, to tie, to tie up; to compel, to force: bắt buộc to compel, to force; to be obligatory; buộc tội to accuse, to prosecute; buộc lòng to be against one’s will

      buổi n. half a day, session, event, performance; time: thời buổi này these times; cả hai buổi all day, morning and afternoon; buổi chiều afternoon; buổi sáng morning; buổi tối evening; buổi trưa noon; buổi bình minh dawn; buổi hoàng hôn twilight; buổi họp a meeting; buổi lễ a ceremony

      buồm n. sail: dương/kéo buồm to set sail; thuyền buồm sailboat; cột buồm mast

      buôn v. to buy in [in order to sell later]; to trade or to deal in: bán buôn to sell wholesale; con/lái buôn merchant; buôn bán to carry on business; buôn lậu to deal in smuggled goods; hãng buôn firm; tiệm buôn store; buôn người slave trade; buôn son bán phấn to be a prostitute; buôn thúng bán mẹt to be a small vendor or merchant; buôn nước bọt to work as a middleman for a commission

      buồn adj. sad: buồn bã, buồn bực, buồn rầu uninteresting, ticklish; buồn cười to want to laugh; funny; buồn đái to want to pass water; buồn ngủ sleepy; drowsy; buồn nôn, buồn mửa nauseous, nauseating

      buồn bực adj. annoyed, displeased, angry

      buồn rầu adj. sad, melancholic

      buông v. [SV phóng] to let go, to release; to lower [curtain, mosquito netting màn], to drop: buông lời to utter words; buông tha to release

      buông lỏng v. to disengage, to spare


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