Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      êu ôi exclam. Phew!


      ga 1 n. [Fr. gas] accelerator: dận ga to step on the accelerator; tăng ga lên to step hard on the accelerator 2 n. [Fr. gare] railroad station, bus station: nhà ga railway station; xếp ga station master

      ga-la n. gala

      ga-lăng adj. gallant

      ga ra n. garage

      ga-răng-ti n. guarantee

      gá v. to harbor [gamblers]: gá bạc to run a gambling den

      gà 1 n. [SV kê] chicken, fowl CL con: trứng gà egg; cuộc chọi gà cock fight; chuồng gà fowl house, hen house; lồng gà chicken coop 2 v. to give advice on, to assist someone

      gà chọi n. fighting cock

      gà con n. chick

      gà giò n. chicken

      gà gô n. young partridge

      gà mái n. biddy, hen

      gà mờ adj. dim, obscure: mắt gà mờ dim-sighted

      gà nòi n. pure bred cock

      gà rừng n. wood grouse, grouse

      gà sống n. rooster

      gà tây n. turkey

      gà thiến n. capon

      gà trống n. rooster

      gả v. to give [one’s daughter] in marriage

      gã n. individual, block, chap, young man

      gạ v. to court, to woo, to seduce [a young girl]; to coax, to wheedle, to cajole, to persuade

      gạ chuyện v. to try to approach someone

      gạ gẫm v. to make approaches to, to persuade someone

      gác 1 n. upper floor: thang gác staircase; trên gác upstairs 2 v. to put, to place, to set on: gác chân lên bàn to put one’s legs on the table 3 v. [Fr. garde] to keep, to guard: lính gác watchman; gác cửa to keep the door; người gác cửa door-keeper; canh gác mounted guards

      gác bếp n. kitchen shelf

      gác bỏ v. to set aside: gác bỏ ngoài tai to not listen, to pay no attention to

      gác bút v. to put away one’s pen, to stop writing

      gác chuông n. bell-tower, belfry: gác chuông nhà thờ a church bell-tower

      gác thượng n. upper story, top floor

      gác xép n. garret, loft, small floor

      gạc 1 n. antlers [of deer] 2 v. to cross out: gạc tên trong danh sách to cross out the name on the list

      gạch 1 n. brick: nhà gạch brick house; lát gạch to pave [with bricks or tiles]; lò gạch brick kiln 2 v. to draw [a line]; to cross out: gạch một đường to draw a line

      gạch cua n. red-yellow fat inside the shell of a crab

      gạch dưới v. to underline: gạch dưới những từ quan trọng to underline the important words

      gạch men n. tile: lót gạch men sàn nhà to lay floor tiles

      gạch nối n. hyphen (-)

      gai 1 n. thorn: chông gai thorns and spikes; gai ốc goose pimples; dây thép gai barbed wire 2 n. hemp: dây gai hemp string

      gai gốc adj., n. difficult; obstacle, hurdle

      gai mắt adj. bad-looking, shocking to the eyes

      gái n. girl; female [as opp. to male giai/trai]: mê gái to be madly in love with a girl; giai/ trai gái boy and girl, man and woman, male and female; to fool around with women; nhà gái the bride’s family; em gái younger sister; con gái daughter; younger girl; cháu gái granddaughter; niece

      gái điếm n. prostitute, street walker

      gái giang hồ n. prostitute, street walker, whore

      gái goá n. widow

      gái nhảy n. taxi-dancer, dancing girl

      gài v. to bolt, to button, to pin, to fasten: gài cúc/gài khuy/gài nút to button up

      gãi v. to scratch: gãi đầu gãi tai to scratch one’s ears; gãi vào chỗ ngứa to touch the right chord

      gam n. [Fr. gramme] gram

      gan 1 n. [SV can] liver CL buồng, lá 2 v. to be courageous, to be brave, to be tough: bền gan to keep patient; nhát gan timid, shy, cowardly; cả gan audacious, bold; non gan chicken-hearted 3 n. sole [of foot], palm [of hand]: gan bàn tay palm of the hand

      gan góc adj. fearless, intrepid

      gan lì adj. calm and relaxed

      gán v. to pawn, to attribute, to pledge: gán cho ai lỗi lầm to attribute mistakes to someone

      gán ghép v. to force to take, to allot arbitrarily

      gàn 1 v. to dissuade; to block, to prevent 2 adj. crazy, cracked, dotty; silly, stupid: gàn dở foolish, eccentric

      gạn v. to decant, to purify: gạn nước cho sạch to decant water

      gạn hỏi v. to press with questions, to interrogate thoroughly

      gang 1 n. span [measure]: gang tay space between the ends of the thumb and the middle finger when extended; gang tấc short period 2 n. cast iron: gang thép iron

      ganh v. to compete: ganh nhau làm việc to compete in work

      ganh đua v. to vie, to compete

      ganh tị v. to envy, to be jealous of: ganh tị nhau những chuyện nhỏ nhặt to envy each other in small things

      gánh v., n. to carry with a pole and tow containers; to shoulder, to take charge; pole load: gánh nước to carry water; đòn gánh carrying pole; gánh vác to shoulder a responsibility

      gánh hát n. troupe, theatrical company

      gánh nặng n. burden, load: gánh nặng gia đình family burden

      gáo n. dipper: gáo dừa dipper made of coconut shell

      gào v. to scream, to roar, to howl, to cry, to shout: kêu gào hòa bình to clamor for peace


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