Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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chiêm n. summer rice

      gạo mùa n. autumn rice

      gạo nếp n. glutinous rice

      gạo tẻ n. ordinary, non-glutinous rice

      gạt 1 v. to level off, to scrape off; to reject, to brush aside; to ward off [blow] 2 v. to trick, to cheat, to deceive: gạt người nào để lấy tiền to cheat someone by taking his money; lường gạt to deceive 3 v. to elbow, to push aside: gạt đám đông để đi to elbow one’s way through a crowd

      gạt bỏ v. to refuse, to eliminate: gạt bỏ ý kiến của ai to reject someone’s ideas

      gạt lệ v. to brush away one’s tears

      gạt nợ v. to give something as payment of one’s debt

      gạt nước mắt v. See gạt lệ

      gàu n. scoop, bailer, pail for drawing water

      gàu dai n. bucket with long ropes, operated by two people

      gàu sòng n. bucket with a long handle, hung from a tripod and operated by one person

      gay adj. very red; tense: đỏ gay rubicund; tình hình gay lắm a tense situation

      gay cấn adj. knotty, thorny, dangerous

      gay gắt adj. bad-tempered, complaining

      gay go adj. [of situation] tense, hard, [of fight] fierce

      gáy 1 n. nape; scruff of the neck; back [of book]: làm rợn tóc gáy to make one’s hair stand on end 2 v. to crow: lúc gà gáy at cockcrow

      gảy v. to pluck, to play: gảy đàn tây ban cầm to play a guitar

      gãy v. to be broken; to break, to snap: bẻ gãy to break; gãy chân to break one’s leg

      gãy gọn adj. [of speech] concise, neat

      găm v., n. to pin, to point; pin, prick: găm mấy tờ giấy nầy lại to pin these papers

      gặm v. to gnaw, to nibble

      gắn v. to glue, to joint [broken pieces], to install, to fix: gắn quạt điện to install an electric fan; gắn xi to seal [up] with sealing wax; gắn bó to be attached to

      găng 1 adj. tense, tight, taut 2 n. [Fr. gant] glove, CL chiếc for one, đôi for a pair: đeo găng tay to wear gloves; bỏ/tháo găng tay to take off gloves

      gắng v. to make efforts: cố gắng to try one’s best

      gắng công v. to do one’s best

      gắng gượng v., adj. to act unwillingly; against one’s wishes

      gắng sức v. to work hard, to do one’s best

      gắp 1 v. to pick up with chopsticks: gắp thức ăn to pick up food 2 n. skewer: gắp cá a skewer of fish

      gắp thăm v. to draw lots

      gặp v. to meet, to encounter; to see, to run across

      gặp dịp v. to have a favorable occasion, to be fortunate

      gặp gỡ n., v. unexpected meeting; to meet, to encounter

      gặp mặt v. to be reunited, to meet

      gặp nhau v. to meet one another

      gặp phải v. to meet with: gặp phải khó khăn to meet with difficulties

      gặp thời v. to have a good opportunity, to meet with good fortune

      gắt adj., v. strong, violent, harsh, biting; to grumble [at], to scold, to chide

      gắt gao adj. keen, desperate, intense

      gắt gỏng adj., v. grouchy; to be in a temper; to lose one’s temper

      gặt v. to reap, to harvest: gặt hái to harvest; vụ gặt harvest; thợ gặt reaper

      gấm n. brocade and satin: gấm vóc brocade and glossy flowered satin/silk

      gầm 1 v. to bow one’s head in shame or anger 2 n. space underneath [table, bed]; underpass: dưới gầm trời này in this world; dưới gầm bàn underneath a table

      gầm thét v. to bawl

      gậm v. [of rodents] to gnaw

      gân n. nerve; tendon; sinew; vein [as seen from outside]: gân xanh nervure;lấy gân to flex one’s muscles; hết gân to be worn out

      gân cổ v. to harden the neck: gân cổ cãi to disapprove obstinately

      gân guốc adj. sinewy; rugged: mặt gân guốc rugged face

      gần adj., adv. near, close; about to [precedes main verb]; nearly, almost: gần đây not far from here; recently; họ gần near relation, close relative; gần đó thereabouts

      gần gũi adv. side by side, alongside

      gần xa adv. everywhere, every place, far and wide: gần xa đều biết tiếng to be known everywhere

      gấp 1 v. to fold, to close [a book]: gấp sách lại to close the book 2 adj. urgent; in a hurry: gởi một lá thư gấp to send an urgent letter

      gấp bội adj. manifold, multiple

      gấp đôi/hai adj. double: sãn phẩm tăng gấp đôi production has doubled

      gấp rút adj. very urgent, pressing

      gập v. See gặp gập

      ghềnh adj. uneven, broken, rough, bumpy: đường gập ghềnh rough road

      gật v. to nod: gật đầu chào to greet someone with a nod; ngủ gật to fall asleep while sitting or standing

      gật gà gật gù v. See gật gù

      gật gù v. to nod repeatedly

      gâu gâu n. the barking of a dog, bow-wow

      gấu 1 n. bear: ăn như gấu to eat gluttonously; hỗn như gấu very impolite 2 n. hem, fringe [of dress]: gấu quần cuffs of trousers

      gầu n. dandruff, scurf

      gẫu adj. idle, aimless: nói chuyện gẫu to chat idly

      gây 1 v. to bring about, to cause, to provoke: gây ra chiến tranh to provoke a war 2 v. to quarrel

      gây chiến v. to provoke a war

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