Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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đột adv. abruptly, suddenly, unexpectedly

      đường đời n. path of life

      đường đường adv. stately, openly, significantly, magnificently

      đường giây nói n. telephone line, cable

      đường hẻm n. narrow street, back street, lane

      đường hoàng adj. openly, in the open

      đường kính n. diameter

      đường nằm ngang n. horizontal

      đường phân giác n. bisectrix, bisector

      đường phèn n. sugar candy, rock sugar

      đường sắt n. rail, railroad

      đường tắt n. short cut

      đường thẳng n. straight line

      đường thẳng đứng n. vertical

      đường thẳng góc n. perpendicular

      đường tiệm cận n. asymptote

      đường tròn n. circumference, circle

      đường xích đạo n. equator

      đứt v. [of string, thread, wire, rope] to be broken, [of skin] to be cut: cắt đứt to cut or snap off

      đứt hơi adj. out of breath, exhausted: mệt đứt hơi exhausted, tired

      đứt quãng adj. interruptive: người nói đứt quãng interruptive speaker

      đứt ruột adj. deeply pained: tiếc đứt ruột to regret with deep pain


      e v. to be afraid; to fear

      e dè adj. circumspect, cautious

      e lệ adj. shy

      e ngại v. to hesitate

      e rằng v. to fear

      è cổ v. to bear a heavy load, to have to pay: è cổ ra mà trả nợ to have to pay debts

      éc éc v. [of pig] to squeal

      em 1 n. younger sibling: em trai younger brother CL thằng, cậu, người, ông; em gái younger sister CL con, cô, người, bà 2 pron. I, me [used by younger sibling to elder brother or elder sister, second person pronoun being anh or chị respectively]; you [used by elder brother or elder sister to younger sibling, first person pronoun being anh]; you [used by young man to his sweetheart or by husband to wife, first person pronoun being anh]; you [used to young child]

      em dâu n. sister-in-law

      em họ n. cousin [male or female]

      em rể n. [one’s younger sister’s husband] brother-in-law

      em út n. youngest brother or sister

      ém v. to cover up, to hide: ém chuyện đó đi, không nên nói với ai to cover up that story, do not tell anyone

      én n. swallow

      eng éc v., n. [of pig] to squeal; squeal

      eo n. waist: đo vòng eo được bao nhiêu to measure a waist to find out the circumference

      eo bể n. straits

      eo đất n. isthmus

      eo éo v. to scream

      eo hẹp adj. [of financial situation] scanty, too tight

      eo óc n. confused noise

      eo ôi! exclam. interjection showing disgust, surprise

      éo le adj. [of situation] tricky, full of surprises, awkward

      ẻo lả adj. weak, thin, feeble

      ẽo ợt adj. in an effected voice: ăn nói ẽo ợt to speak in an effected voice

      ép v. to squeeze, to press, to extract, to press out [oil, wine, etc.]; to force: ép cam to squeeze an orange; ép ai làm việc gì to force someone to do something

      ép duyên v. to force a woman to marry against her will

      ép nài v. to insist, to urge someone to do something

      ép uổng v. to force, to compel

      ẹp adj. crushed, flattened

      ét n. [Fr. aide-chaufleur] driver’s assistant

      Ét Tô Ni n. Estonia, Estonian

      ét xăng n. [Fr. essence] petrol, gasoline; cây (ét) xăng, trạm (ét) xăng petrol station, gasoline pump; thùng ét xăng jerry can; gasoline drum; gas tank [in car]


      ê 1 exclam. Hey! 2 adj. numb, sore, aching 3 v. to be ashamed, to feel ashamed

      ê a v. to make noises loudly and unceasingly [as a child studying a primer aloud]

      ê ẩm adj. tired, exhausted: đau ê ẩm a dull pain

      ê chề adj. [of pain] overwhelmed by anguish

      ê hề adj. abundant, too much: thức ăn ê hề too much food

      ế adj. to have no customer, in little demand, quiet: ế hàng could not sell; ế vợ [of man] to have trouble getting a wife; ế chồng [of woman] to have trouble finding someone to marry

      ếch n. frog: ếch nhái frog and tadpole

      êm adj. [of music, voice] soft, [of weather] calm, [of seat, cushion] to be soft; êm như ru sweet

      êm ả adj. quiet, peaceful, calm: một ngày êm ả a peaceful day

      êm ái adj. soft, tender, sweet; melodious

      êm ấm adj. peaceful, tranquil, calm

      êm dịu adj. sweet, gentle: lời nói êm dịu sweet words

      êm đềm adj. quiet and gentle

      êm giấc v., adj. to sleep soundly; sleeping well

      êm ru adj. very mild, very soft; smooth-sailing, quiet

      êm tai adj. pleasing to the ear, melodious: tiếng nhạc nghe êm tai a melodious song


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