Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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adj. [opp. hơn] less [advantageous, profitable, etc.]; weak, fewer, less than: ba giờ kém năm five to three [2:55]; mắt kém [to have] poor eyesight

      kèm 1 v. to go along with, to guide and guard: đi kèm to send along 2 v. to enclose; kèm theo đây enclosed herewith

      kèm nhèm adj. bleary-eyed

      kẽm n. zinc: bản kẽm zinc block, plate

      kén 1 n. cocoon 2 v. to select, to choose (= chọn): kén cá chọn canh to pick and choose, choosy

      kèn n. trumpet, bugle, clarinet, saxophone: thổi kèn to play one of these wind instruments; không kèn không trống without fanfare

      kèn cựa adj. jealous, envious

      kèn kẹt v. to creak

      keng n. cling clang

      kẻng 1 adj. smart, chic 2 n. make-shift gong

      keo 1 n. gelatin, glue 2 n. round [fighting]: vật nhau ba keo to wrestle three rounds 3 adj. stingy, parsimonious: keo bẩn/keo cú, keo kiệt mean, stingy

      keo sơn adj. [of friendship] close, long-lasting: tình bạn keo sơn long-lasting friendship

      kéo 1 n. pair of scissors 2 v. to pull, to drag: kéo cờ to hoist the flag; kéo buồm to trice up a sail; kéo đàn vĩ cầm to play the violin

      kéo bè v. to form a gang, to gang up, to form a party

      kéo cánh v. to form a gang, to gang up, to gather into a faction

      kéo co n. tug of war

      kéo dài v. to stretch, to lengthen, to drag on/ out: kéo dài công việc to prolong a piece of work

      kéo lại v. to recover, to make up

      kéo lê v. to trail, to drag

      kèo n. rafter

      kẻo conj. or else, because, or otherwise, lest

      kẽo kẹt adj. sound of a creaking door or wheels

      kẹo 1 adj. stingy, tightfisted, close-fisted 2 n. candy

      kẹo bông n. cotton candy

      kẹo cao su n. chewing gum

      kẹo chanh n. lemon candy

      kép 1 n. actor, comedian 2 adj. double, twofold; of two thicknesses: áo kép lined coat

      kẹp v. to press, to squeeze

      két n. [Fr. caisse] safe; cashier’s desk; case, carton [of beer, etc.]: két sắt safe; một két bia a carton of beer

      kẹt v. to be caught, to be pinched; to stick

      kê 1 n. millet 2 n. cock, chicken (= gà) 3 v. to list, to mention, to declare: kê khai hàng hoá mang theo to declare goods; liệt kê danh sách người tham dự to list the names of participants 4 v. to wedge up; to put, to arrange [furniture]: kê bàn ghế trong nhà to arrange furniture in the house

      kê cứu v. to study, to examine [for reference]

      kê gian v. to declare dishonestly

      kê khai v. to declare, to list

      kế 1 n. ruse, scheme, stratagem, trick: con người nhiều mưu kế to have many tricks up one’s sleeve 2 conj. then, after that: kế đó after that

      kế cận adj. neighboring, next, adjacent: kế cận nhà tôi next to my house

      kế chân v. to succeed, to replace somebody

      kế hoạch n. plan, project, strategy

      kế mẫu n. stepmother

      kế nghiệp v. to take over [a business]

      kế phụ n. stepfather

      kế thất n. second wife

      kế thừa v. to inherit

      kế tiếp v. to continue, to succeed

      kế toán n. accountant, bookkeeper

      kế tục v. to continue, to follow

      kế tự n. heir

      kế vị v. to succeed

      kề adj. next, close to: ngồi kề ai to sit next to someone

      kể v. to relate, to narrate, to tell [a story], to mention, to enumerate, to cite [facts, figures]: như vừa kể trên as abovementioned; không kể not to mention, not to speak of; không đáng kể minor, not worth mentioning; không kể xiết numerous

      kể lể v. to tell stories, to talk on and on

      kệ 1 v. to leave alone, to pay no attention to: mặc kệ to ignore, to leave someone alone; kệ thây nó to leave him alone 2 n. shelf: kệ sách bookshelf 3 n. Buddhist prayer-book

      kếch xù adj. [of amount] huge, bulky, colossal

      kệch v. to make sure not to do [something], to be afraid of [somebody]

      kệch adj. coarse, rude: quê kệch, thô kệch boorish, unrefined

      kền n. [Fr. nickel] nickel: mạ kền to nickel plate

      kênh 1 n. (= kinh) canal: kênh Suez the Suez Canal 2 adj. warped, not level

      kênh kiệu v. to put on airs, to give oneself airs, arrogant

      kềnh v. to lie flat, to sprawl: ngã kềnh ra to fall flat

      kềnh càng adj. encumbering, cumbersome

      kết 1 v. to fasten together, to tie in knots; to be bound together: kết bạn to make friends; kết đoàn to unite, to get in a group 2 v. to end, to conclude, to wind up

      kết án v. to condemn, to convict, to sentence

      kết cấu n. structure, composition: kết cấu một ngôi nhà the structure of a house

      kết cục n. conclusion, final outcome

      kết duyên v. to get married [với to]

      kết đôi v. to get married

      kết hôn v. to get married, to marry

      kết hợp v. to combine, to co-ordinate: kết hợp lý thuyết và thực hành to combine theory and practice

      kết liễu v. to come to an end, to finish


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