More Making Out in Japanese. Todd Geers

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More Making Out in Japanese - Todd Geers Making Out Books

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you have any siblings?

      Kyōdai-wa iruno?


      Are you the oldest?

      Anata ichiban ue? ♀


      Kimi ichiban ue? ♂


      Another way to ask this is:

      Are you the oldest son/second son/youngest?



      Are you the oldest daughter/second daughter/youngest?



      Are you a student?



      The answer might be kōkōsei 高こう校こう生せい (highschoolstudent) daigakusei 大だい学がく生せい (university student), sen-mon-gakkōsei 専せん門もん学がっ校こう生せい (student of a specialist school–e.g. dental assistant, nurse...), tandaisei 短たん大だい生せい (junior/two-year college student, almost all of whom are women).

      What type of school?

      Don’na gakkō?


      I went to a regular/special (trade) school.

      Atashi-wa-futsū-no/senmon gakkō-ni itta. ♀


      Boku-wa futsū-no/senmon gakkō-ni itta. ♂


      Where are you studying? (i.e. at what institution)

      Doko-de benkyō shiteru-no?


      What do (did) you study at the university?

      Daigaku-de nani-o senkō shiteru (shita)-no?


      Senkō means “major study area.”

      Another way to ask this is:

      What did you study in school?

      Daigaku-de nani benkyō shiteta-no?


      I did economics/law/politics/English/Spanish.

      Keizai/Hōritsu/Seiji/Eigo/ Supeingo-o benkyō shita.


      English Literature



      International Relations

      Kokusai Kankeigaku





      Information Technology(IT)









      (The word for someone who studied a science-related subject is rikei (理り系けい). The word for someone who studied an arts or humanities-related subject is bunkei (文ぶん系けい))

      What club/sports team did you belong to/play on (in secondary school)?

      Nani-bu datta-no?


      What club/sports team did you belong to/play on in college?

      Sākuru wa nani shiteta-no?


      Sākuru サークル: Kind of like a club in college. Your social life is largely determined by which “circle” you decide to join. If it’s a hobby, chances are, a “circle” exists for it, especially at bigger universities. These “circles” can be centered around anything from Anime to football to gardening. In April when school starts, upperclassmen aggressively recruit freshmen to join their circle. Like fraternities/sororities, there is some light hazing and usually some amount of drinking involved. You can use it to pursue a passion, make friends, or meet girls/guys.

      What’s your job?

      Shigoto nani shiten-no?


      How do you spend your time?

      Itsumo nani shiten-no?


      Will you be my Japanese teacher?

      Atashi-ni nihongo oshiete-kureru? ♀


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