Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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cánh v to take off (airplane)

      cất giấu v to hide, to conceal

      cất giữ v to keep, to store

      cất nhắc v to promote

      cật n kidney

      cật lực adv fully stretched

      câu I n sentence (writing) II v to fish

      câu chuyện n story, talk

      câu đố n riddle

      câu đối n parallel sentence

      câu lạc bộ n club

      cầu I n bridge II v to pray for

      cầu an v to pray for peace and safety

      cầu bơ cầu bất adj homeless, vagrant

      cầu cạnh v to request for a favor

      cầu chì n fuse

      cầu chúc v to wish

      cầu cứu v to plead for help, to ask for help

      cầu đường n bridges and roads

      cầu hôn v to ask for an engagement

      cầu khẩn v to beg, to entreat

      cầu khỉ n bamboo bridge

      cầu kì adj sophisticated

      cầu kinh v to pray

      cầu lông n badminton

      cầu may v to try one’s luck

      cầu mong v to aspire, to wish

      cầu nguyện v to pray

      cầu tàu n pier, quay

      cầu thang n staircase

      cầu thang máy n lift, elevator

      cầu thủ n players (of soccer, rugby)

      cầu tuột n slide (in playground)

      cầu thả adj careless

      cầu xin v to beg for, to ask for

      cẩu thả adj negligent, careless

      cấu v to pinch, to nip off

      cấu kết v to join hands

      cấu tạo v to create, to build, to design

      cấu thành v to form, to make up

      cấu trúc n structure

      cấu xé v to tear, to claw and tear

      cậu n uncle (mother’s brother)

      cây n tree, plant

      cây cảnh n nursery plants, displayed rare plants

      cây cỏ n vegetation

      cây số n kilometer, milestone

      cây xăng n petrol station

      cấy v to transplant, to implant

      cậy v to rely on

      cha n father

      cha cố n Catholic priests, clergymen

      cha mẹ n parents

      chà v to scrape, to crush

      chà đạp v to trample on

      chà là n date palm

      chà xát v to rub, to crush

      chả n grilled meat roll

      chả giò n spring roll

      chai I n bottle II adj callous III n callousness

      chài v 1 to fish with fishing net 2 to bewitch, to charm

      chài lưới n fishing nets

      chải v to brush, to comb

      Chàm n Champa, Cham

      chạm v 1 to touch, to collide 2 to carve, to sculpt

      chạm trán v to meet someone face-to-face

      chạm trổ v to carve

      chan v to souse, to pour

      chan chứa adj overflowing

      chán v to be bored, to be fed up with

      chán chê adj satiated, plentiful

      chán chường v to be sick of

      chán ghét v to dislike, to hate

      chán nản adj disheartened, dispirited

      chanh n lemon

      chanh chua adj sharp-tongued, sour

      chánh n head, chief

      chánh án n presiding judge

      chánh chủ khảo n chief examiner

      chánh văn phòng n chief of secretariat

      chạnh lòng v to be affected, to be moved

      chao n soybean paste

      chao đảo v to stagger

      chao ôi! interj Oh dear!

      chào v to greet, to salute

      chào đón v to welcome, to greet warmly

      chào đời v to be born

      chào hỏi v to greet

      chào mừng v to welcome

      chảo n frying pan

      cháo n congee, gruel

      cháo hoa n plain rice congee

      chát adj tart, acrid

      chát chúa adj clanged

      chau v to frown

      cháu n 1 nephew, niece 2 grand­children

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