Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity. Edgar Cayce

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Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity - Edgar Cayce

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       Selected Individual Case Histories

       Reading 333-1

       49-Year-Old Male, Sales Engineer

      Gertrude Cayce: You will have before you the body and enquiring mind of [333], who is at…N.Y., who seeks consideration, advice and guidance, from the Master and the Creative Forces, in regard to the worldwide economic problem which confronts himself and family, together with the great masses of common people struggling for they know not what. You will answer the questions which he has sincerely, respectfully and faithfully submitted.

      Edgar Cayce: We have the body, the enquiring mind, [333]; also those conditions, economic and otherwise, that confront the body.

      In this relation, there are ever those elements, as was given of old, confronting each and every individual: “There is today set before thee good and evil, life and death. Choose thou whom ye will serve,” and let the answer ever be, “Others may do as they may, but for me and my house, we will serve the living God.” Not one that may not listen or harken to the cry of those that are faithful. One that is not unmindful of the fear, the doubt, that stalks abroad in the land at this particular period in the history of the land when greed, avarice, misunderstanding, has taken the judgement away from many and they struggle for that they know not what. Will all come and—even those that fear—but open their minds, their hearts, their souls, to that cry that has ever been to His peoples, “Will ye be my people, I will be your God”—“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they toil not, neither do they spin, or the grass—that today is and tomorrow is cast in the oven.” Whether ye live or whether ye die, ye are in the Lord, and let Him have His way with thee, for He does not suffer even the unfaithful to be tempted without preparing a way of escape. If the righteous shall scarcely be saved, where does the ungodly appear?

      Then, use those talents thou hast in hand day by day, and there is given that thou hast need of, will ye but turn your heart, your mind, your soul, to seeking how in loving kindness ye may show in some measure that love, that faith, that confidence, that is aroused in thine own breast with the knowledge that He is in thine holy temple; for thine body is indeed the temple of the living God, and let the desires then of the eye, the weaknesses of the flesh, the call for those things that so easily beset thyself, keep silent—wait ye on the Lord. Not in some great manifestation that would make for tempestuous doubts in the lives of many, but here a little, there a little, ye that are the salt of the earth, preserve same in thine own heart, that the Lord may have His way; for He has not willed that any should perish, but that all may present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Him, for it is but a reasonable service.

      That the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of place, position, that is sought oft among men, in the owning of houses, lands, and of those things that would wean men's hearts away from following in the straight and narrow path—but know He knows what ye have need of before ye ask Him, and wilt thou keep thine heart He will even open the heavens to pour out a blessing upon thee.

      In this manner, then, should self meet those conditions that seem to confront self at this time. Not that one takes not thought, but by taking thought let it be rather, “Are the courts of my temple a dwelling place of the living God? Or have I rather set up those idols of the earth that are earthy?” And as self finds the way clarified by the keeping of the courts and the temple cleansed, “Make not my Father's house a den—“Rather let thy yeas be yea and thy nays be nay, that He may come in the heat of the day or the cool of the evening and converse with thee in the courts of thine own temple; for thus doth He speak among men, and thus doth men find that which overcomes fear; for when fear enters, then doth one allow the doors of the temple to be broken up, and there enters in thoughts of the carnal forces that ever war with man, with man's good intent. These kept clean bring the glory of the Father through the Way that the Son has opened for all who seek His face. “The cattle are mine, as the silver and the gold, saith the Lord. These have been prepared that mine children shall not want, even in a weary land,” but as the rock that casts shadows for those that are athirst, and brings forth its waters that those may be supplied who seek in the shadow of same, so in this temple of thine know He will guide, guard and direct in the way that thou may become a rock for thine brother; for he that lendeth to the Lord has covered much that may be called amiss by others. Keep the way clear.

      Ready for questions.

       (Q) Am I wrong in giving thought to the morrow, when I should be placing confidence in divine influence, or trust in God?

      (A) Use rather the opportunities day by day in such a manner that the glory of the Lord may be shown in the strength of the mind, of the body, to meet the emergencies that arise as concerning the secular things of life; for as these offices may appear to become more slack in this or that direction, the greater faith—rather than confidence—in His promises makes for strength in body and mind to meet those things necessary. Let the desires of the Physical grow less, as the desires of the spiritual would make thee strong in His might.

       (Q) Am I among those who shall be blessed by being found so doing when the Lord cometh?

      (A) Keep thy face to the light, and the shadows of doubt fall far behind. So thou wilt find thy name written among those who loved his fellowman, even as He walked among men—called them His brother—gave of that bounty supplied by the closer communion day by day. “Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive, O Lord, as I forgive my brother.” In walking in this light does the strength to do the physical deeds come in the body, even as the strength to bear His own cross, even as the strength to give, “Father, forgive them—they know not what they do!” This brought ministering from the Father of light, the Father of power, the Father of love to man, that we are his brothers and heirs to the Kingdom of light through ministering in word, in deed, to our fellowman in His Name; for there be no name named under heaven that brings hope, joy, life, as the Name of the Christ among men!

       (Q) Am I wrong in remaining in my present employment? [Sales Engineer for steel and metal products company]

      (A) Remain in the employment, that there may come—with the building up on every side—that which will enable self, and those the body serves, to know even the rocks and hills cry out, “blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

      Does the remuneration in the present surroundings not supply that necessary to meet those payments that may come upon the earthly abode, then those surroundings—as well as the abilities to obtain through other channels those means that will enable you to supply that lacking—will be given thee in no uncertain measures, will there be held, “I am the Lord's—He is my defense—in Him will I put my trust—and I will be faithful to my brother to the best of my physical and my mental abilities.” Not becoming a pest in speaking of those things. “When there is the cry for bread, doth He give them a stone?” Rather give him a portion of that thou hast, and together seek the Lord!

       (Q) Are the men who are paying me a wage doing so in full measure of their ability, justice and consideration for my responsibilities?

      (A) As ye measure, so shall it be measured to you again! “The Lord bless them, the Lord keep them, and make His face to shine upon them, in such measures that together in the trials may there come the blessed understanding that all must work together to meet the measures that are being brought to all during this seeking period of those that have wandered far afield,” for the Lord keepeth

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