Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity. Edgar Cayce
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(Q) Did I do right by moving out to my place in Connecticut?
(A) As we find, if those activities are set in motion that have first been given through this channel—as to that to be met in self, and then the proper presentation of the abilities, though they are long before the public—yes. But these should or must be kept burning, even as the home fires where harmony and peace may abide. One may not rest upon what has been, but must be ready to show—each and every day, in each and every contact—that self is one willing to give an answer for the faith that is within.
Thus there may be brought friends, love, success, happiness, joy—as a result of something given by self!
(Q) Under present circumstances, what should I do about my house?
(A) Prepare those ways and means to take care of same.
(Q) How can I reduce my blood pressure?
(A) This also has been indicated in the information previously given through this channel, and if adhered to will keep same in a normal manner.
We are through for the present.
(Q) (Left out of original copy) Will my present husband ever amount to anything, or do you see a change for the better in the future?
(A) This depends upon who is to judge.
These as we find are some of thy disappointments.
If there will be the setting of self's house in order, in relationships to that which is the motivative purpose and influence within self, there will be brought harmonious relationships—if not here, in others.
Reading 3976-14
“World Affairs” Reading on the Depression and the Economy
Hugh Lynn Cayce: You will give at this time that which will aid each individual present in understanding the reason and comprehensibility of that through which we as individuals are passing and experiencing in the situation economically at this time.
Edgar Cayce: Yes, we have conditions economically as they exist in this land at the present time. In giving, then, an analysis of such in a manner that may be helpful for those that would seek to know themselves and the causes for the present general conditions:
To be sure, these have been approached from many varied angles by those who have sought, are seeking, to find the answers to such conditions in their own experiences; and by many that are seeking, and have sought, that there might be aid, understanding, comprehension, in the experience of others.
In the very nature, though, of a nation, a people, there are some fundamental principles upon which the economic and the soul life of a nation must be founded, if such a people, such a nation, is to remain true to that which is the birthright of every soul; to pursue that which will give it as an individual the right to manifest that it would worship in its Creator.
For, the first law that has been given to man from the beginning is: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” And when man has faltered, has altered that, which has deprived others from giving expression to that birthright, that command that has come to man throughout the ages, then there arises that which creates those things that are the fruits of the evil influences that are in the earth. Such as: Hate, jealousy, avarice, and the like. These make for the creating of those conditions in all walks of life for power, for position, for the love of money and that it will bring in its associations in the lives of individuals. And, as there has been just this experience in the affairs of the nation as a nation, the nation as a nation is passing through that period when each soul must turn to that thought within of what is its relation to the Creative Forces in its experience; and each soul must ask itself what it as a soul is going to do about that command that was given, and that is the privilege of every soul; to show forth that very law of love that is the birthright of every soul. For, with that command has come ever that to which mankind may expect to find himself reduced when he has forgotten that which is his first duty, and the second which is likened unto it; “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Then, this condition has been the experience in the greater portion of the whole nation, the whole world. For, that is the experience of the individual that makes for the creating in his environ, his surrounding, of that which breeds strife, that which breeds hate, that which breeds malice, that which breeds selfishness.
The next law, as man knows, is that “Like begets like.” And His injunction has been: “The worlds may pass away, but my Word shall not pass away; and ye shall pay to every farthing—and, as ye do unto your neighbor, as ye purpose in your heart, so will it be measured unto you.” And when conditions arise that make for distress, whether they be in body, in mind, in the economic influences in the experience of any, sin lieth at thy door. Not thine neighbor's! Blame not the other fellow. Seek first to know within self that which has prompted thee, and when thou hast set thine house in order, when thou hast made thine peace with thine own conscience (that would smite thee, if ye will look within your own heart), then may ye find the answers that will come to every soul that seeks. For, as He has given to those of old, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Think not as to who will ascend into heaven to bring down comfort and ease to thine own aching heart, or who will go over the seas to bring that which may be of a recompense within thine own experience, but lo! ye shall find it in your own heart!
Thus has the lawgiver given, and thus has He said who has set the way to make the intercession for man: “I will not leave thee comfortless, if ye will seek to do my biddings.”
Many would say, “Yea, this is beautiful; yet it does not feed the hungry nor clothe those that are naked, nor make shelter for those that are cold.”
Who is—Who is—the representative of the Father in the earth? Hath not He committed unto mankind the keeping of his brother? Hast thou answered that question that has been of old in thine experience; “Am I My Brother's Keeper?” The answer that should ring in the heart and soul of every individual is: “Know ye not that the blood of your brother crieth unto me from the ground!”
So, in the experience of those that have sent and made the conditions are greed, selfishness; that has been practiced in the minds, in the lives, in the experience of the nation. Think not any soul, “Yea, that is true for the other fellow.” But it applies to Jim, to Tom, to those in ordinary walks of life, to those who have been given those powers in high places, those that have wealth about them; they are the oppressors; yea, look within thine own heart! Hast thou not practiced the same? For, as it has been given, “Yea, though there be only ten just men, they may save the city; they may save the nation; they may save the world,” if they will but practice in their daily experience that which has been the command from the first: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and thy neighbor as thyself.”
This is the basis of all spiritual law; and to you would there be given as this:
There is no activity in the experience of man that has not its inception or purpose in the spirit of those injunctions but what must fail; unless it is founded in the spirit of truth.
Hence each would ask, then: “What must I do about it; not what shall this, that or the other ruler, other office holder, or the other individual do” but each should ask, “What must I do about the economic conditions in which we find ourselves?”