Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity. Edgar Cayce

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Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity - Edgar Cayce

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men that are the expression in material bodies, flesh, of the love of the Father…

      Again in the expression in the present the entity has found many of these confusing at times, for when there has been the application to the material things in the present many have called the entity impractical. And the lack of the patience that was attained in that experience makes for periods when doubts and confusions arise in the experience of the entity in the present. Yet, as has been indicated, if the entity will turn within it may gain the lessons again that were given by that Teacher among men, learn again those messages with which it strengthened those when the fear of death was upon those that were young and strong in body, those that were old and were being separated from those they loved the most in the earth, and how that strengthening cry went up; “Lo, I am with thee always, even unto the end of the world! Put thine trust in me and thou wilt know that thy Redeemer liveth, and thou shalt see Him as He is.” For He has promised that He will comfort and strengthen and sustain those that to their fellow man show forth the love of the Father. And he that doeth those kindnesses to his fellow man lendeth to the Lord, and He has prepared those mansions—even as He has given, “I prepare a place where I am there ye may be also.” If the entity will ponder upon these messages that the entity gave in those experiences as Sylvia, the shepherdess, the one that strengthened so many in those days, there will come a strength, a glory, a vision, an understanding that will raise thee up above. But “He that is the servant of all is the greatest among thee!”

      …As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then, and that to which it may attain and how:

      As has been indicated by the experiences of the entity in that which is innate and builded within the self, study to show thyself approved unto Him. For if the heart is singing with the beauties and joys that may come in the service to the fellow man, it bespeaks of those things that answer from within as to the life being made as a channel of blessing to the fellow man—and in the path of glory for the companionship with Him.

      Ready for questions.

       (Q) What shall I do to be financially successful at this time?

      (A) First find in self that in which the applications of the abilities thou hast in body and in mind are founded, and seek thou those realms wherein these may be put into practical application, and in the associations of those relations whereunto thou may bring to others not only tenets but living truths within self; and these will bring the returns as their natural consequence. For, as He has given, man may labor in this or that field; God alone can give, does give, the increase.

      Let thy life and thy activities with thy fellow man be in accord with that thou hast determined, and leave the increase of the financial or material gains in his hands.

       (Q) Are there any special persons that could help me?

      (A) They will be pointed out to thee; for, as He has given, “I will guide, I will direct thee, in the way that thou shouldst go.”

       (Q) Am I breaking any special law that causes conditions to be as they are?

      (A) As indicated, study that thou hast given; for ye shall find. He that seeks shall find. Study to show thyself approved unto thy Maker, correctly divining, dividing, the words of truth.

       Reading 683-2

       43-Year-Old Female, Chiropractor, Follow-Up Reading

      In the material associations, in the material connections, then, do with thy might what thy hand finds to do today. For sufficient unto the day is the good as well as the evil thereof. For as He hath given in thee that thou may be the channel, the representative, the agent—yea, the very representative in flesh of Him, then act in thine inner self, act in thine outward expression, as though thou wert (for thou art!) His child, and are heir to all the glories here, now, of His kingdom. Not in the future, not of the past! For in the eternal now is He active in thee.

      And ye will find, as the days come, as the weeks pass, that ye will be shown from day to day the next step. For He is thy God and thy counsel, and thy help, and upon His arm may ye lean; upon His hand may ye be led in the things, the experiences, the conditions through which ye may pass.

      Ready for questions.

       (Q) Should I remain in my present occupation or consider a change?

      (A) In the present remain, until thou be shown the more excellent way. For as each soul, each entity, each individuality prepares itself, He will lift it up (as thee); in the material and in the mental things that are necessary for it (as thou) being the greater channel of expressions for Him.

       (Q) Have I any special talent that should be developed?

      (A) As indicated; as ye are able and as ye are given the body to minister to the needs of the physical bodies of many, ye have the talent also to minister at such times (and oh, what an opportunity!) to the mental needs of those that are soul sick as well as in body and mind. Point ye the way, then, to Him at such times. That is a talent; yea, has He not given into the keeping of all, in every walk of life who may minister to the needs of bodily ills, the opportunity to tell others, to tell those physically ill of the love of the Father, of the abilities in Him, of Him who stands between those influences of good and evil, the crossroads of choice, that every one and every soul each day must cross? And ye may point the way—ye that have been endowed, either physically, mentally or spiritually—for such a service. What a responsibility! And so many in thine own field, in thine own understanding, have shirked their duty, have failed Him and put Him to shame who hath said, “In me is life, in me is health, in me is strength.” And ye in thy blindness have pointed the other way. Then, minister as is shown thee by Him.

       (Q) Will the healing work bring better financial results than in the past few years?

      (A) If ye will but take Him as thy partner, if ye will but take Him as thy right hand brother. For the silver and the gold is His, and He alone may move the hearts of those that are sick in body and mind, who are beset with the fear of those things that are of the earth, to open their storehouses or their pocketbooks to thine needs. Use that thou hast in hand. If it be true it will be as of His servant who cast his rod or stock or cane, which became as the serpent to those that were of enchantment or of their own knowledge that might show their strength; yea, but that one which was guided of the Lord swallowed them all up. So, in thy ministry to thy fellow man, if ye will but take Him with thee in thine heart, in thine seeking to give that as will bring the awakening, it will swallow up those that have spoken unkindly. And thy gentleness of mien, thine understanding of the ills will be as an incense before Him, so that the bounty of thy hand will be poured out as though the windows of heaven were opened for such.

       (Q) Is there any special line of the healing work that I should follow to bring better results?

      (A) As indicated, take it—as thou hast gained and as thou seekest in the ministrations of same—with Him as thy partner, as thine helper, as thine director; so will the ways be opened. For all healing is the awakening of that eternal hope that springs anew within the human breast that it may have another opportunity, that it may give and be itself a channel. And as ye open the way through not only the ministry of thy hands but thy word of mouth in telling of Him and His love, it will make not afraid but give and give and give the opportunity to all! But to him that tramples on same it becomes the stumblingstone.

       Reading 2275-1

       48-Year-Old Female, Masseuse

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