Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity. Edgar Cayce
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Reading 3976-24
“World Affairs” Reading
(Q) As has been indicated through these channels, money is the root cause of the general economic unbalance of our country. Will you give specifically the reasons for this statement and the approach that can be made toward correction of the money order as operated today.
(A) Fear on the part of those who control or direct the investing of capital into channels that give the greater outlet of their characters of outlet.
As to how this may be corrected—it is only through patience, persistence, and a return to the trust in God, and not in the power or the might of self.
Reading 683-1
43-Year-Old Female, Chiropractor. Main problem was cited as being financial
Edgar Cayce: Yes, we have the entity and those relations with the universe and universal forces, that are latent and manifested in the personalities of the entity now known as, or called, [683].
In entering the present experience we find, from sojourns in the earth and the application of the abilities of the entity in such sojourns, not only those influences of the astrological that are in the mental application but those of the more material in the numerological, as well as in tones and colors, have influenced and do influence the entity. Not always in this experience has there been the proper interpretation of such influences. And they in their application by the entity have at times been rather confusing; thus causing some disturbance in the relationships of the entity with other minds as related to the body-mind of the entity. Hence in giving that which may be helpful, hopeful and developing for the entity, we will give that which we find here from those records that have been made by the entity in the earth's plane in its own soul or spiritual development. Then analyzing these they may become as useful experiences in the entity's application of them in the present experience.
Do not confuse, then, mental experiences that are innate and those that come through spiritual awareness or awakening within self with those that are of an earthly urge by having—in the mental body, with the environs of a physical surrounding—experienced urges that may confuse; yet know all have their place in the experience of an entity, an individual, in the application of its abilities. Learn and practice, then, the first things first; as this: The entity, the soul, is supreme in itself as related to any circumstance or influence, whether an environmental, hereditary or a passing condition, through the will—that is the gift of the Creator. And if the entity in its seeking applies that which is shown within self it may never confuse self as to the correct, positive, direct manner in which to apply the impulse that motivates an activity towards the application of that gained within self. For it is not in knowledge alone but rather in the application of such understanding that the mental body, the soul body, grows. Hence, as has been given to all: Study to show thyself—thyself—approved unto thy Maker, divining the words of truth.
So, in the application of that thou knowest does there come the knowledge, the understanding of what, of where, of how, the next step, the next activity, is to be taken…
From Venus we find the creating, or making, or imposing into the entity throughout its experience the innate seeking—seeking—for that which in the material plane is an expression of, and manifestation of, that which Venus indicates in the thoughts of man; as it does in its environs; Love, helpfulness, hopefulness, optimism in its broader, greater sense. Yet these experiences in the entity's application have been so often shattered. And as we shall see, we will find out the why through the experiences in the earth, and how this has been builded in the experience as a karmic condition (as termed by some); for these are words—just words, but carry—as does an impulse from within—a meaning to an individual entity that to the entity is all its own. Hence, as given, it is the expression that makes for growth within the soul forces of an entity. Hence it may be said of the entity in this direction, growth has been and is the experience of the entity in this sojourn. Then, the lesson to be learned by the entity in this direction in this experience is patience. This has, through the very expression of love to the fellow man by the entity, been a drawback. For oft has the entity in the experience, in losing patience with others, with self, turned to material urges that have brought confusion. Hence the warnings: Judge spiritual urges in spiritual realms by spiritual things, and material and mental urges only by material application.
Yet this growth in the activities in the present from the Venus sojourn has not always been tempered with a Mercurian influence, for it has been rather in an adverse position—through an influence of Saturn's activity in the experience. Hence we find that tendency for the change when there were those disturbing factors in the experience of the entity in the present, to turn to seek in another direction. This is from an influence, an indwelling in Saturn where even the influences may have been perfected; yet they come as tests, as trials, as experiences, that the injunction which has been given may be fulfilled in the experience of the soul; “Stand ye steadfast today and see the glory of thy God within!”
Hence these have been as tendencies for the entity in the experience to fail here, in that it turned occasionally to those things that bespoke rather of the material things, or the influences from without appeared to be as necessities for the moment; losing patience with this, that, the other. Patience is not as a passive thing, but patience is necessary in the experience of each soul rather as a positive, active thing within the application of same. Thus an entity becomes aware of its own soul and that soul's vision of the glories that may be its experience in its associations with those promises in the creative force of the soul along that is eternal and in the image of the Maker.
The Jupiterian influences, we find, have made and do make for—in the expressions of the entity—a wide, broad field of activity; which to an unstable one in the position of that indicated as the experience of the entity, while it has its advantageous experience also may become the very influence of a stumbling experience for a soul. But the vision here is, as we find, as it grows—the entity's ability in the application of those attributes that have made for the expending of self in love, in hope, and though wandering afield at times in its inner self—those attributes of patience become as applicable things in the experience with that already gained. Then do those benevolent influences from those visions and experiences in Jupiter bring a field of activity for the entity that will make for happiness, contentment, harmony, and those things that are of the earth-earthy, yet may be used in the material expressions of those benevolent influences that have been the privilege of the entity in its application to have gained in Venus. Hence we will find, if the entity will hold fast to that which is good, rightly divining the words of truth, the days must come in the earth yet when many will call it blessed and count it a priviledge to have known, to have been priviledged to have been a helpmeet for the entity in its activities in the earth…
“If ye will keep my commandments in thine activities to thy fellow man, I will bring to thy remembrance those things necessary for the assurance that I will abide with thee.” Ponder these well in thine inner self, for they may become those things whereupon thou may depend, where thou may gain strength, where thou may find that succor, that aid, that will bear thee up lest thou—in thine lack of understanding—dash thine head against a stone. For His love would constrain thee, even as thou in thine expression would constrain to show that love thou has gained in thine experience,