Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity. Edgar Cayce
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These are capable of being approached by responsibilities and measures builded upon self. “In the way ye would have them deal with you, deal ye with them!”
(Q) Would it be right for me to seek employment during the night hours with a wholesale bakery or gas service station, to help increase my income?
(A) Seek and ye shall find! Keep in the way of the Lord and the way is opened unto thee to meet those needs for thine self and for thine dependent ones, as well as that that may be given or lent to the Lord through aiding thy brother! Seek—when needed.
We are through for the present.
Reading 78-4
23-Year-Old Male
Gertrude Cayce: You will have before you the body and the enquiring mind of [78], present in this room. This entity seeks advice and guidance concerning the difficulties of his present position. Considering the general conditions throughout the country as they affect this individual, you will give such suggestions and council that will aid this body at this time. You will also answer the questions which I will ask you regarding this individual.
Edgar Cayce: We have the body, the enquiring mind, [78]—this we have had before. In considering the conditions and circumstances that confront, and that influence the body at the present, many and varied may be the manners in which the entity may view same. Not only as how circumstances, conditions and surroundings affect the mental attitude of the body, but how the body is affected by same, as well as the outlook upon life the body gathers from the study of, contemplation of, self's position in its various phases, and how same is affected by self's attitude and outlook towards conditions.
In advising one as concerning the manner of activity, or action toward conditions under such circumstance, much might be said as to just advice—as to do or don't do this or that. The conditions as to be met are—What is the view or attitude to be assumed or taken as respecting definite conditions as exist in the life, as to outlook mentally, outlook physically, relationships to others, others' relationships to self. These should be the first considerations. Not only as duties, not only as privileges, but also as opportunities.
Do not get this position, however, as to ever be condemning self or another for that as exists in one's own life. If this be of self's own making, then know better than to do the same thing again. If felt of another's making, then use same rather as a stepping stone for better understanding and application of self.
As to the conditions and the movements to be made: Many are the opportunities; only one would say “Just one do I want”, as would the entity. Then, ready for questions.
(Q) Just where and in what place may this body find employment suited to his capabilities? and how should he go about to secure same?
(A) Under the present circumstances, present conditions as exist in and throughout the country—not as to seeking an opportunity; rather go about to make one. That there have been promises that have become questionable and that are doubted at times by self and by others, these will materialize—but not as soon as may be desired, but be not faint hearted over any circumstance; rather use the present conditions, the present surroundings, and make for self for the time being that as will enable, will better fit the body for what is, or what may, or what will come.
(Q) Will the job promised in connection with the Chase National Bank in New York through David McKenzie develop within two months?
(A) Rather in three months there will be an opportunity. There are others, and other channels—as we find—that would offer better opportunities.
(Q) What channel will offer the best opportunities?
(A) Those as surround the body in the present, as we would find, would offer better and more of that in keeping with the eventualities, or the working towards those as would be better suited for the body…
(Q) When will be the correct time for me to carry out my contemplated marriage?
(A) When self has succeeded in gaining hold of self in a manner to know that the future for self and the obligation taken is, at least, in a satisfactory manner assured for the present.
(Q) Please give me any advice regarding the maintaining a more perfect mental and physical balance.
(A) In that as outlined may be that as an alignment of thought in a manner and direction as will give the proper attitude for the body, and the entity, in its activity. Not as a servile attitude; not as one in a position of embarrassment; neither as one that would laud or applaud self for anything accomplished within self—either physically or mentally; but rather in humbleness of heart, mind and body to be a channel for an ideal of whatever making self may choose; were it only to that ideal of self's relationship to an individual, to self, or to the creative forces—for they are one, and each are a pattern of the other.
(Q) Should I see Mr. McKenzie on Jan. 15th concerning position?
(A) That would be dependent upon what arrangements, or what are the determined factors in other conditions that have been suggested.
Then, let those work out—for these are as the conditions or positions as they would present themselves:
In a position of association in the banking interest, represents or presents this:
A place; not a position, but one that bespeaks of an association that lends to an individual that of an honorable, venerable, and a position that is well-spoken of—but supplying little of this world's goods, other than through some questionable channels—which, to the body, the mind, the consciousness of the entity, must sooner or later become abhorrent, unless a soon success is gained.
In the channels of a minor position of a servant, in an aptitude or position of an attendant keeper of a place of not wholly amusement, but of gratifying some of the needs, desires, and pleasures of others, makes for a lowly beginning—from the same standard of views, but a growth wherein there would be the development of an ideal that may be builded upon with a sure basis.
Reading 78-5
25-Year-Old Male, Follow-Up Reading
Gertrude Cayce: You will have before you the body and enquiring mind of [78],…, Alabama, and his connections and associations especially as related to his securing employment as quickly as possible and his contemplated marriage. You will advise him as to the correct course to pursue and answer the questions which he has submitted.
Edgar Cayce: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [78], this we have had before; also those conditions, those circumstances that confront the body in the present.
Now, as we find, recently there have been some circumstances and conditions that tend to alter the whole general trend of relations.
And while there will be required some time for adjustments for the body, if there are the serious considerations in the present of the contemplated relations as to marriage, that which has been proposed in the manner of the relations and associations as respecting all parties