Diary: Alone on Earth. JD Weldy

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Diary: Alone on Earth - JD Weldy

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I can’t even see the Moon tonight due to an overcast sky. I again thought I heard Ralph, who has a distinctive bark that only I can identify with as his owner. I have prayed and cried like no other time in my life, feeling so completely alone. But that is not possible. Is it? If only my brother or sister would come over. No batteries are working anywhere in my house, and there's no explanation for that which I can think of at this time. I am short on blood pressure medication. I must have that refilled soon. If nothing else, I will ride that bicycle 26 miles into Mobile, AL. That will completely exhaust me, I know. I will bring my diary notebook with me to record everything. I have a bad feeling of what I might find. I pray that everything will be normal in the morning. I pray that power will be back on. I pray that Ralph will come back home. I pray that God will make sense of this to me in the morning. I pray…

      Alone on Earth – Entry #3

      November 18, 2016


      Dear Diary

      I am up this early with the knowledge the power is still out. I am very despondent with the realization of this fact. I had hoped Alabama Power would at least have trucks out this way to the utility sensors to restore power. But thus far…nothing. In fact, I have not seen one vehicle go down this lonely stretch of road outside of Mobile, AL, in the past 24 hours. I am currently using candles as a light source. Every battery I have in this house, every size battery, is dead. There is something that has caused this from the humming noise of couple of days ago. That is my theory, anyway. I am quite worried about Ralph. My little beagle has been missing since yesterday morning. That is not like him. That is not like him AT ALL. If it wasn’t so dark, I would go out and search for him. I am going to start looking for him after I eat a cold breakfast of cereal without milk. Everything in my refrigerator/freezer is going bad.


      Dear Diary

      Still no sign of Ralph. I have searched and called to him for at least an hour now. I know I heard him howling at least once during this last search, but just as soon as I called his name and started running in the direction of the howl, it ceased. Breakfast was a bowl of dry corn flakes. I have to go into town for groceries. But the fact that there are no cars or trucks or ANYTHING coming down this road in front of my house makes me think that something is terribly wrong. There has to have been a catastrophic event taking place, but I have no way of finding out what it was. The only way I can find out what's going on is going into town, which means a bicycle trip of 25-30 miles. I am currently thinking of doing this now. I am taking my .38 special with me. I don’t know what lies in front of me as I leave, so I'll feel better with protection. I dearly wish I could find Ralph.


      Dear Diary

      I have decided to go into town. I have no choice. I am low on blood pressure medicine. I am low on groceries since everything in my refrigerator is now spoiled. I cannot contact anyone since my WVP is dead. The fact that both batteries in my car and truck are dead remains a mystery to me. All flashlight batteries, radio batteries…every battery I have in this house is dead. Why??? I don’t understand what is going on. I am taking a 10x12 tarp, which I have rolled as tightly as I can. I have it on the bicycle. I may need it in case it rains. I have the .38 special in my vest jacket. It is fully loaded. I have at least 15 rounds of ammo in my other vest pocket. I am bringing a canteen of water, light blanket, BP medicine, 4 cans of Vienna sausage, beef jerky, and my Bible. I don’t know what awaits me. I fear what awaits me. I am leaving as soon as I finish up this entry and tuck this diary notebook away in my satchel. It is bound to be slow going with everything I am taking on the bike.


      Dear Diary

      I am at my nearest neighbor’s house, Mike and his family. They are all still gone. I think he is in town to be near his wife at the mortuary, where she is at now. Her suicide a couple of days ago was just one more dire consequence of that humming noise all across the world. No word as to when Mike will be back. I'm going to rest and then continue my journey to Mobile.


      Dear Diary

      I am at the city limits of Mobile after an incredibly tough trip. Items I need for traveling on this trip kept falling off the bicycle. There were abandoned cars in the middle of hwy 43, so my worst fears are being realized. Something terrible has happened. I have no inkling yet as to what it could be. A white substance, similar to salt, has crept inside all the cars that I have looked at. Keys were still in the ignitions. Of course, they will not start…batteries are all dead. No sign of anyone. Not one person. This is gut wrenching on a scale I have never imagined. I am staying tonight at a condo that has no one here. If the owners come home, I will be delighted to have them call the police and have me arrested. At least, I will know civilization still exists. But tonight, I will be staying in this very nice brick condo just outside of town. All the food in their refrigerator is, of course, spoiled. I will eat a German Chocolate cake left on top of their oven, then make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for supper from what they have here. I will read some comic books in the den for entertainment. I will not have to use any of my candles since there are many decorative candles here. I am sure they won’t mind.


      Dear Diary

      I thought I heard something just outside the front door of this condo. Thinking it was the owners, I raced to the door to let them know I was harmless. But there was nothing there. I KNOW I heard something. And, I might as well mention this…ever since I left my home this morning, I have been getting the feeling someone or something was watching me. I stopped riding the bicycle twice when this feeling became overpowering, but I saw absolutely nothing. Just as now…a noise, but nothing there. I don’t know if it is my imagination, my fear getting the best of me, or what. I just know that from now on, I will keep the safety off this .38 and hope I don’t accidentally shoot myself. Sleep will be restless again tonight, I fear.


      Dear Diary

      I am going to bed early. I want to get up early in the morning, then head into town. I want to see what has happened first hand. I fear I won’t like what I am going to find. It is just an innate dread I have inside me right now. I don’t know what has happened to everybody. Did everyone take off for an undisclosed spot that wasn’t announced due to the power blackout? I can’t imagine what that could be.

      Whoever owns this condo did a great job of keeping it up. It is very clean, and I will try to leave it in the same condition as I found it. I will also leave a note of thanks with an apology for using their home for this one night. I still miss Ralph so much! Things would be much easier with him around. I haven't seen any animals; dogs, cats, birds…nothing. No people either. I cannot begin to understand what has happened. I want to believe that Ralph is still around somewhere, trying to find me. What could have happened??? I hope he is home waiting for me when I get back. That may be in two days, it may be in three days, I don’t know right now. It is so very dark. You can’t see anything outside. Skies are continuing to be overcast. So, no moonlight tonight once again. I have had a very hard day. I am tired. I am scared. I am confused. I need answers. Tomorrow, I expect to find the answers I seek. What I find may not be what I want to see. Dear God…help me.

      Alone on Earth – Entry #4

      November 19, 2016



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