Diary: Alone on Earth. JD Weldy
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Dear Diary
The enormity of what has happened has greeted me as I have driven up I-65. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of abandoned cars on I-65 North and South. Some have crashed into each other and burned. But there was no trace of human bodies to be found. Others have flipped over on the side of the road; again, no trace of anyone. Nothing. I have stopped in Greenville, AL. This is normally about a two hour drive up I-65, now it has taken me 3 and ½ hours to get here due to the carnage on I-65. My top speed on the Honda is about 45MPH. I can’t afford to have an accident. If I get hurt, I’m done, and I now realize I did not bring anything for first aid. I have gone completely around this little Alabama country town without seeing anyone. I have found some stale sandwiches at a Shell station; they look OK. I am going to drink some warm Coke, eat stale sandwiches and Lays potato chips. Then I will head for Montgomery, which is only about 30 miles ahead, where I most likely will spend the night. Mere words can’t convey what I have witnessed on my trip from Mobile. I would have brought a camera. But then again, no batteries are working in this new world in which I find myself. Time to eat.
Dear Diary
I have done a little cruising around Montgomery. I even went to Maxwell Air Force Base, where I had my physical prior to going into the Navy many, many years ago. No sign of life anywhere. The same situation here as everywhere else; abandoned cars in the middle of the road, no people, no animals and no insects. Nothing at all. I will be staying at a Motel 6 just off I-65 for tonight. Unfortunately, they forgot to leave the light on for me. I went in to “register” at the front desk, rung the bell for service. Wouldn’t you know it? No one has shown up. So, I am staying at a room closest to the front desk, I have opened up the window to get some fresh air in this stuffy, stale smelling motel. At least, the beds are all made up. I have used my siphon hose and gassed up my Honda motorcycle. I wish I could find a generator, but I’m just too tired to even look. It is getting colder…I am going to have to find some more blankets for tonight.
Dear Diary
I have eaten more stale sandwiches and potato chips that I took with me from Greenville. I really would love to have some hot soup on a cool, crisp night like tonight. I have closed the window. I don’t know what the temperature is, but it’s getting cold and I should have brought a bigger jacket with me. In fact, in the morning, I will go to the Target just outside my window and look for a bigger, thicker jacket. I have got to be careful with these candles. I don’t want to set this place on fire, but why should I even care if I do? Who’s going to say anything? I heard a noise after writing that last question. I took my .38 plus the candle, and looked around in the lobby. The front door was open, although I know I closed it. I got nervous about that, so I checked every room in the motel. I could find nothing. I’m scared enough without having to deal with strange noises. This is all surreal to me. It’s like I am watching that Twilight Episode - “Where is Everybody?” - that frightened me as a child. But this is real; this is my world right now. I don’t think anyone is going to walk in on me and tell me it’s all an experiment. I wish to God someone would. I wouldn’t even get mad. Well, maybe just a little.
Dear Diary
I lie here on my bed with nothing to do but write in this diary. With only candlelight, it’s a strain to read the magazines that are available. So many thoughts go through my mind as I'm lying here tonight. I keep thinking back to the 16th when the humming noise first started, that seems so long ago now, but in reality it was only 6 days ago. I remember all the animals at the vet’s office acting strange, Ralph growling at me for the first time ever, and birds falling out of the sky onto my truck. And then the very next day…nothing…nobody but me to try and figure out what is going on. I refuse to believe there aren’t other people somewhere. That is why I am going to the CDC in Atlanta. If there are others like me, most likely they're headed there thinking it was a chemical or disease that caused this. But even if that is true, where are the bodies? I pray that I find someone, I've got to find someone to talk to. Just the thought of talking to another living, breathing human being gives me even more of an incentive to continue on with my journey. But what if there is no one in Atlanta? What then? Where do I go next? I don’t know, I honestly do not know.
Dear Diary
I again heard a noise. The front door was closed this time, but in the darkness of the lobby I could almost “feel” a presence. That may be my mental instability playing tricks on me. At this point, I have to consider the possibility that this whole event has affected my mental capacity, or it may just be fear. It is dark, and there's no light except for the faint flickering of this candle. I have to get more candles also. I will keep candles burning tonight, I’m that scared. I’m scared about a lot of things right now. What happens if I get sick? Who is going to take care of me? Where can I get aid? I have to find other people. I just have to. Where is God? Mama always told me that even in the deepest of valleys, God is there with you. But this is something Mama wouldn’t have thought could ever happen. My faith is all I have left right now, I must not lose faith in God. I don’t know why this happened. Surely, this is some kind of test for me. The light is so dim that I can’t read one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, Psalm 23. But I know it by heart:
The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.
It’s odd…I've never been nearly as religious as Mama wanted me to be, I just wasn’t built that way. But after writing that in my diary, I think I can sleep now. I need to. I have another long day ahead of me.
Alone on Earth – Entry #8
November 23, 2016
Dear Diary
I haven't slept all night. After hearing these two distinct noises, sleep was impossible. It was almost like a “thud” or someone banging their open hand against the wall. I have stated previously, in this diary, the overwhelming sensation I sometimes have of someone watching me. I know that is probably due to the neurotic phase I presently am going through, but I just can’t get over the feeling. As soon as the daylight comes, I’ll be going to Target across the street, look for some food, and get a bigger jacket. I think it must be close to 35-40 degrees outside. Having that kind of cold weather this time of year is not that unusual for Alabama, but this coldness just seems different for some reason. I need to go “shopping” now.
Dear Diary
Found a little disposable grill that heats up by the built-in charcoal. I picked up some mini-breakfasts at the grocery portion of Target, got some bottled water (I dearly wanted some OJ, but decided I better not). I ate two packages of sausage links (I know I shouldn’t have), scrambled eggs, French bread. It was hot, and I needed it after a bitterly cold night. Started the grill up right at the entrance. I am full now. I have gotten myself a bigger