Diary: Alone on Earth. JD Weldy
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Dear Diary
I have loaded up some additional items on the Honda such as a hunting knife, another blanket and the candles. Target is just like the malls back in Mobile. They are filled with cars. It’s just like a normal day during the week, except it is anything but normal. There is no one here. It’s just me and this Honda motorcycle. The only thing I can say that is different is that a small aircraft (possibly a Cessna) evidently crashed and burned about a quarter mile from this Target shopping center. Of course, no trace of human bodies to be found. I need to end this entry and push off this bike. My next entry should be when I get to Georgia on I-85.
Dear Diary
I have stopped off in Lagrange, Georgia. I could not go any further. The cars, trucks, and semi-tractor trailers that had crashed on I-85 were a sight I cannot begin to adequately describe. I cannot begin to imagine how people can just disappear, suddenly and without any evidence. That is all I can figure out right now. I found one old Nissan Armada that had slammed into a semi carrying fuel oil. The fire must have been unbelievably hot. The interstate where the accident occurred is still smoking, I suppose it all happened sometime during the night of the 16th and morning of the 17th. That is my best guess for when this “event” (the only way I can categorize it at the moment) took place. The most heartbreaking thing: I found a baby’s pacifier on the side of the interstate. Where are the children??? How could this thing, this event, this “it” harm innocent children? There was a doll I found in one Honda Accord not far from this accident, and now this is eating me alive. It is unbearable to deal with right now. I do know this: These cars and trucks were mostly tightly grouped together. This tells me they were most likely running from something, and they were headed east to Atlanta. That gives me hope - not much hope, but something. Maybe some people made it. I need to go search for a place to spend the night. I can’t get on this interstate right now.
Dear Diary
I’m going to spend the night in this Baptist church in Lagrange tonight. I have looked for another one of those disposable grills like I found at the Target in Montgomery. But so far, no luck. I was going to heat up some of the canned beef stew I found at a local supermarket. I suppose I can build me a fire and heat up the stew by holding the top with my pliers, but that is tough to do. Life in this world is not easy, I can see that right now. I’m trying to figure out why there are so many cars in the church parking lot. The 16th was on a Thursday, as I recall, the 17th a Friday. So, why so many cars here? It doesn’t make sense unless…unless people thought there was something they found to be threatening. I have always heard that if there was ever a life ending event for Earth, the churches would be filled to capacity. The 16th scared a lot of people due to the humming noise, but this parking lot is filled to capacity. Could people have been that scared? My head is spinning…I need to build a fire…it’s come down to that again for civilization…or what is left of it. God, what have we done to ourselves on this planet?
Dear Diary
I continue to find curious things in Lagrange. Six Lagrange Police cars are lined up blocking the main exit from the city. Why would they do that? As I have cruised around this little country town, more exits leading from the city are blocked by police cruisers. WHY??? I keep finding purses, wallets, eye glasses, money, and other items that people normally would NEVER throw down for any reason. It is as if they decided to throw down all those items and make a run for it. But from WHAT? What am I up against? I remember seeing thousands of dollars rolling down Broad St. in Mobile. I thought that was highly unusual, but here it is again in Lagrange. None of this was reported on MSNBC, CNN or WNC. But the signals were all distorted, and power kept going out. What did I miss??? Living out in the country has caused me to miss some information that could have helped me now. None of what I see in Lagrange is making any sense, none at all. I’ve got to think all this over…and decide if I really want to go into Atlanta now. Something is bothering me about going there.
Dear Diary
I feel much safer in this Baptist church than I ever did in that motel. I have two large candles going from the church. I am lying in my very comfy sleeping bag, eating Vienna sausage and doing the only thing that for me can qualify as entertainment; writing in this diary. I don’t have that feeling of being “watched” in this church. There’s a message there if you look hard enough. I don’t know what to make of everything I have seen in Lagrange today. It doesn’t make sense that police would try to stop people from leaving the city unless it was an epidemic. But there was nothing on the news about this. What was even more disturbing to me, I found spent cartridge shells on the sides of these police cruisers. They were determined to stop people from leaving…at all costs. Of course, there is no trace, no evidence of any bodies. This is far above my intellectual capacity. Someone else needs to take over for me now, but no one is answering the call except me. I have to find out what has happened and try to digest it in such a way that I can comprehend it. I honestly don’t know where to begin. I guess Atlanta is a start. I am very fearful of going there for some reason.
If anyone ever finds this diary and is able to make sense of it, do me a favor. Go to Axis, Alabama, about 25 miles north of Mobile, and look for a little beagle. He answers to Ralph. He is my little buddy. And I know in my heart that as I write this, he is still alive. That’s all I ask. It is time for sleep. It is time for me to enter Atlanta. Like a former resident of Atlanta once said, “I’ll worry about it tomorrow…after all…tomorrow is another day.”
Alone on Earth – Entry #9
November 24, 2016
Dear Diary
I have woken up sick to my stomach cramping like crazy. I have thrown up twice in the past fifteen minutes. I found a package of wieners at the Lagrange Super Deli and decided to try my luck. I puked both hot dogs up. It’s hard to give up things like meat, but I am going to have to do that. It seems I will become a vegetarian in this new world. I am so sick, hopefully I get to be feeling better. I want to leave for Atlanta by 7AM this morning, but I've been running at both ends. As soon as it is daylight, I am going to the drugstore a couple of blocks from here and look for some Pepto-Bismol or something to ease my stomach. I’m sure the druggist won’t mind. I’m going to try and get some sleep. Hopefully, my stomach cramps and diarrhea will end soon.
Dear Diary
I have taken two big swigs from this Pepto-Bismol bottle, downed an Alka-Seltzer, and am feeling somewhat better. However, I am very weak. I may have food poisoning. If I do, I can only blame myself. Well, that’s obvious, I suppose. The Drugstore door was not locked. As with Target, the malls in Mobile, the automatic doors were shut tight, but I was able to gain access in each by using the manual door. It smelled like sawdust in the drugstore, only there was none to be found anywhere. It is a bright sunny day here in Lagrange. It seems just like any other day here in November, I guess, except