CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible

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CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub] - Common English Bible

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all of the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would roll the stone from the well's opening, water the sheep, and return the stone to its place at the well's opening. 4Jacob said to them, "Where are you from, my brothers?"

      They said, "We're from Haran."

      5Then he said to them, "Do you know Laban, Nahor's grandson?"

      They said, "We know him."

      6He said to them, "Is he well?"

      They said, "He's fine. In fact, this is his daughter Rachel now, coming with the flock."

      7He said to them, "It's now only the middle of the day. It's not time yet to gather the animals. Water the flock, and then go, put them out to pasture."

      8They said to him, "We can't until all the herds are gathered, and then wep roll the stone away from the well's opening and water the flock."

      9While he was still talking to them, Rachel came with her father's flock since she was its shepherd. 10When Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his uncle, and the flock of Laban, Jacob came up, rolled the stone from the well's opening, and watered the flock of his uncle Laban. 11Jacob kissed Rachel and wept aloud. 12Jacob told Rachel that he was related to her father and that he was Rebekah's son. She then ran to tell her father. 13When Laban heard about Jacob his sister's son, he ran to meet him. Laban embraced him, kissed him, and invited him into his house, where Jacob recounted to Laban everything that had happened. 14Laban said to him, "Yes, you are my flesh and blood."

      Jacob marries Leah and Rachel

      After Jacob had stayed with Laban for a month, 15Laban said to Jacob, "You shouldn't have to work for free just because you are my relative. Tell me what you would like to be paid."

      16Now Laban had two daughters: the older was named Leah and the younger Rachel. 17Leah had delicate eyes,q but Rachel had a beautiful figure and was good-looking. 18Jacob loved Rachel and said, "I will work for you for seven years for Rachel, your younger daughter."

      19Laban said, "I'd rather give her to you than to another man. Stay with me."

      20Jacob worked for Rachel for seven years, but it seemed like a few days because he loved her. 21Jacob said to Laban, "The time has come. Give me my wife so that I may sleep with her."22So Laban invited all the people of that place and prepared a banquet. 23However, in the evening, he took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob, and he slept with her. 24Laban had given his servant Zilpah to his daughter Leah as her servant. 25In the morning, there she was--Leah! Jacob said to Laban, "What have you done to me? Didn't I work for you to have Rachel? Why did you betray me?"

      26Laban said, "Where we live, we don't give the younger woman before the oldest. 27Complete the celebratory week with this woman. Then I will giver you this other woman too for your work, if you work for me seven more years."28So that is what Jacob did. He completed the celebratory week with this woman, and then Laban gave him his daughter Rachel as his wife. 29Laban had given his servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her servant. 30Jacob slept with Rachel, and he loved Rachel more than Leah. He worked for Laban seven more years.

      Jacob's sons are born

      31When the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, he opened her womb; but Rachel was unable to have children. 32Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reubens because she said, "The LORD saw my harsh treatment, and now my husband will love me."33She became pregnant again and gave birth to a son. She said, "The LORD heard that I was unloved, so he gave me this son too," and she named him Simeon.t 34She became pregnant again and gave birth to a son. She said, "Now, this time my husband will embrace me,u since I have given birth to three sons for him." So she named him Levi.v 35She became pregnant again and gave birth to a son. She said, "This time I will praise the LORD." So she named him Judah.w Then she stopped bearing children.

      2Jacob was angry at Rachel and said, "Do you think I'm God? God alone has kept you from giving birth!"

      3She said, "Here's my servant Bilhah. Sleep with her, and she will give birth for me. Because of her, I will also have children."4So Rachel gave her servant Bilhah to Jacob as his wife, and he slept with her. 5Bilhah became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Jacob. 6Rachel said, "God has judged in my favor, heard my voice, and given me a son." So she named him Dan.x 7Rachel's servant Bilhah became pregnant again and gave birth to a second son for Jacob. 8Rachel said, "I've competed fiercely with my sister, and now I've won." So she named him Naphtali.y

      9When Leah realized that she had stopped bearing children, she took her servant Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as his wife. 10Leah's servant Zilpah gave birth to a son for Jacob, 11and Leah said, "What good luck!" So she named him Gad.z 12Leah's servant Zilpah gave birth to a second son for Jacob, 13and Leah said, "I'm happy now because women call me happy." So she named him Asher.a

      14During the wheat harvest, Reuben found some erotic herbsb in the field and brought them to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, "Give me your son's erotic herbs."

      15Leah replied, "Isn't it enough that you've taken my husband? Now you want to take my son's erotic herbs too?"

      Rachel said, "For your son's erotic herbs, Jacobc may sleep with you tonight."

      16When Jacob came back from the field in the evening, Leah went out to meet him and said, "You must sleep with me because I've paid for you with my son's erotic herbs." So he slept with her that night.

      17God responded to Leah. She became pregnant and gave birth to a fifth son for Jacob. 18Leah said, "God gave me what I paid for, what I deserved for giving my servant to my husband." So she named him Issachar.d 19Leah became pregnant again and gave birth to a sixth son for Jacob, 20and she said, "God has given me a wonderful gift. Now my husband will honor me since I've borne him six sons." So she named him Zebulun.e 21After this, she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dinah.

      22Then God remembered Rachel, responded to her, and let her conceive. 23She became pregnant and gave birth to a son and said, "God has taken away my shame."24She named him Joseph,f saying to herself, May the LORD give me another son.

      God blesses Jacob and Laban

      25After Rachel gave birth to Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, "Send me off so that I can go to my own place and my own country. 26Give me my wives and children whom I've worked for, and I will go. You know the work I've done for you."

      27Laban said to him, "Do me this favor. I've discovered by a divine sign that the LORD has blessed me because of you,28so name your price and I will pay it."

      29Jacob said to him, "You know how I've worked for you, and how well your livestock have done with me. 30While

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