Family Ties That Bind. Dr. Ronald W. Richardson
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1. What are some of the conflicts you have in your present intimate relationships that trouble you?
2. Are you able to trace any of your reactions to experiences or conflicts in your family of origin? For example, what is one upsetting feeling you have when with a friend or spouse? Who in your family of origin could evoke a similar feeling in you? What parallels are there between the two situations and the way you deal with them emotionally?
2. Eat Your Spinach — Rules In The Family
Every family, and every relationship, has rules. Rules are a set of expectations about how people should conduct themselves in various kinds of settings and circumstances. Rules say what is allowable and not allowable. They also say what the consequences are when the rules are obeyed or disobeyed.
There are two kinds of rules — spoken and unspoken. Families develop many different rules of each kind. The spoken rules are the easy ones. They include such things as: “Don’t interrupt.” “Say please.” “Don’t play loud music.” Everyone in the family knows what these rules are, and they can be openly talked about, perhaps even debated and changed.
The unspoken rules are a different story. They may be understood and even agreed upon by family members, but they are not openly acknowledged or discussed. If mentioned, they may even be denied by those who are the strongest believers. For example, in some families, it is not all right to be angry, but it is acceptable to be depressed. No one would think of stating it this way, but the rule is: When things don’t go your way, you cannot be angry, but you can be depressed.
In other families, fear is not allowed, or it is allowed only for the females. The rule is: When men in this family feel scared, they are supposed to deny the fear, even to themselves, and act angry instead.
Sad feelings are not allowed in some families. The rule is: Always appear happy and keep a stiff upper lip. This unspoken rule is being expressed when a crying child is told, “Look at the bright side,” or “Don’t be a baby.”
Arguing is not allowed in some families. Family members are expected to be agreeable at all times. The rule is: If you get angry, go away until you have cooled down and come back with a smile. In other families, conflict is the only acceptable way to relate. The rule is: Arguments are better than being too cool and indifferent; you show you care by fighting it out.
1. What were some of the openly acknowledged and spoken rules in your family?
2. What were some of the unspoken rules about having and expressing feelings?
In Joe and Sara’s fights over money, their different attitudes toward spending money is only part of the problem. They each also learned different rules for dealing with conflict in their families of origin.
As it becomes clear to Sara that Joe doesn’t want to save, she gets more upset and emotional. She is angry and hurt. She says, “You don’t care about our future.” This is upsetting for Joe who isn’t used to such behavior in his family. He gets tense and attempts to calm her down by saying things like, “Let’s talk about this when you’re calmer.” When that doesn’t work, he refuses to talk to her at all and says, “You’re being crazy and irrational. I’ll talk to you when you make sense.” Sara thinks he means that he’ll talk about it when she’s ready to come around to his point of view. She then gets even more upset over both what she considers his condescending style and his refusal to settle the issue with her. That’s when she starts to feel like throwing things, and often does.
In Joe’s family, conflicts were not argued emotionally. People had a brief confrontation and then went to their separate corners until they could come out smiling. The issue was rarely discussed again, and few clear, joint decisions were made. In Sara’s family, when there was a conflict, people dealt with it then and there. After the shouting, it was over, and people were friends again. Often, a decision was made at the end of it all.
In this case, Joe and Sara have different expectations about how they should deal with conflict. The two family mobiles are crashing into each other. Joe thinks Sara is not living according to the rules. “If she loved me, she wouldn’t shout at me. She’d be more considerate. Love is not getting angry and shouting.”
And Sara says to herself, “If he really loved me, he’d deal with my concerns about this issue instead of ignoring me and putting me down. He’d be more considerate. Love is letting your partner know how you feel, even if you have to shout.”
Both think they are loving and the other is unloving. Both think they handle conflicts correctly and the other doesn’t. Both think the other is breaking the rules. They have assumed that they have the same definition of love and that the other is purposely being hateful. This simple example shows what happens when the unspoken rules are controlling behavior — no one really knows what’s going on.
The basic purpose of all these rules is to control the way people in the family relate. They keep things in balance if everyone plays the game. Each person added to the family gets a lesson in the rules. Children in the family learn them in two ways. One is by experiencing their own anxiety when a rule is broken and the other is experiencing a parent’s anxiety.
1. What were the spoken and unspoken rules in your family about handling differences and conflicts between family members?
2. Were there different conflict rules for different people or different sexes? Did age affect the rules?
3. Have you continued to have the same rules for conflict in your present relationships, or have you changed them? Are your present rules just the reverse of the old rules? Are they really new?
4. What are the rules for conflict in your partner’s family of origin and how do they conflict with your own?
Anxiety is not a nice feeling. It is basically a fear of the unknown, which is worse than an ordinary fear of some specific thing. Anxiety leaves you feeling vulnerable and powerless. Most people, especially children, will do almost anything in order to avoid it. So we all learn to behave in a certain way to avoid feeling anxious, even if that creates other uncomfortable feelings. We will choose to feel depressed or paranoid, for example, rather than to feel anxious. The person who can make you feel anxious is in control. Parents learn this early in dealing with their children. When children break a rule (spoken or unspoken) parents may use physical punishment, but the most effective punishment is the withdrawal of love (or the threat of withdrawal). This punishment plays on the fear of abandonment that everyone has when young. The threat of abandonment usually provokes enough anxiety that a child will change in order to avoid it. A common example of this is when a father tells his two-year-old son it is time to leave the park. The child says “no” and won’t move. The father could just pick up the child and cart him off, but instead uses psychological force. He walks away and says, “Okay, you stay here, I’m going.” After the father gets several yards away, the boy begins to follow.
In different