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like stamps for … postcards to Great BritainQueria selos para … postais para a Grã-Bretanha kree-uh seloosh paruh … poosh-tysh prah grañ-bruh-tun-yuhHow much is it to send this parcel?Quanto custa mandar este embrulho? kwuñtoo kooshtuh muñdar aysht aym-brool-yoo?first classpor correio azul poor koorrayoo azool

o cartão de memória kartowñ duh meh-mor-yuhmemory card
imprimir eempreemeerto print
a máquina fotográfica digital makeenuh fotograh-feekuh deezheetahldigital camera
o cigarro eletrónico see-gah-rroo eelehtroneekooe-cigarette

Can you repair…?Pode reparar…? pode ruh-parar…?
my screeno meu ecrã oo mayoo ehkrañ
my keypado meu teclado oo mayoo tehklahdoo
my lensa minha lente uh meen-ya lent
my chargero meu carregador oo mayoo kahrrehgahdor
I want to print my photosQuero imprimir as minhas fotos kayroo eempreemeer uhs meenyush fohtoosh
I have it on my USBEstá na minha pen shtuh nuh meenyah pen
I have it on my e-mailEstá no meu email shtuh noo mayoo email

      The tourist office is called Turismo. If you are looking for somewhere to stay, they should have details of hotels, campsites, etc.

Where is the tourist office?Onde é o turismo? duh e oo tooreezh-moo?
We’d like to go to…Gostariamos de ir a… gooshtuh-ree-uhmoosh duh eer uh…
Is it OK to take children?É permitido levar crianças? e permeetee-doo luh-var kree-uñsush?
Are there any excursions?Há algumas excursões? a algoomush shkoor-soyñsh?
How much does it cost to get in?Quanto custa a entrada? kwuñtoo kooshtuh uh ayntrah-duh?
Are there any reductions for…?Fazem descontos para…? fazayñ dushkoñtoosh paruh…?
childrencrianças kree-uñsush
studentsestudantes shtooduñtsh
unemployed peopledesempregados duh-zaympruh-gah-doosh
senior citizensterceira idade tersayruh eedahd
Can I visit … with a wheelchair?Posso visitar … com cadeira de rodas? possoo veezeetar … koñ kuh-day-ruh duh rodush?

      There are traditional festivities in June dedicated to the Santos Populares. Saints vary in popularity depending on the location; Santo António (St Anthony) is very popular in Lisbon, and São João (St John) in Porto. A beautiful street parade takes place all over Lisbon, the festivities being seen as a competition between Lisbon’s bairros (neighbourhoods). You’ll find dancing, eating and drinking in the streets of various regions of the city (Bairro Alto, Alfama and Mouraria to name a few).

What is there to do in the evenings?Que se pode fazer à noite? kuh suh pod fazehr a noyt?
Where can I go clubbing?Onde é que há discotecas? duh eh kuh a deeshkohtehkash?

baro bar bar
gay bar/clubo clube gay kloob gay
gigo concerto koñsehr-too
music festivalo festival de música fushteevahl duh moozeekuh
nightclubo clube noturno kloob nohtoornoo
partya party partee
pubo pub pub
Where can I/we go…?Onde se pode…? duh suh pod…?
fishingpescar pushkar
Are there any good beaches near here?Há algumas praias boas aqui perto? a algoomush pry-ush boh-ush uh-kee pehrtoo?
Is there a swimming pool?Há piscina? a peesh-seenuh?

Proibido nadar proee-beedoo nuh-darNo swimming
Proibido mergulhar proee-beedoo mehrgoolyarNo diving

What’s on at the cinema?Qual é o programa no cinema? kwal e oo proogruh-muh noo seenay-muh?
What’s on at the theatre?Qual é o programa de teatro? kwal e oo proogruh-muh duh tee-ah-troo?
I’d like two tickets…Queria dois bilhetes… kree-uh doysh beel-yetsh…
for tonightpara esta noite paruh eshtuh noyt
for tomorrow nightpara amanhã à noite paruh amun-yañ a noyt

adventureo centro desehñtroo duh
art gallerya galeria de artegaleh-ree-uh duh art
boat hireo aluguer de barcosaloogehr duh barkoosh
campingo campismokuñpeesh-moo
museumo museumoo-zay-oo
piercingo piercingpiercing
tattooa tatuagemtatoo-ahzhayñ
theme parko parque temáticopark tehmahteekoo
water parko parque aquáticopark akwahteekoo
zooo jardim zoológicozhardeeñ zoo-ohlozheekoo

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