Collins Gem. Collins Dictionaries
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Many shops still close for lunch between 1 and 3 p.m., but most now remain open throughout the day. Large department stores and food shops are generally open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., whereas shopping centres are open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Que deseja?
kuh dezayzhuh?
Can I help you?
Um/uma…, por favor
ooñ/oomuh…, poor fuh-vor A …, please
Mais alguma coisa?
mysh algoomuh koy-zuh?
Would you like anything else?
Não, é tudo. Quanto é?
nowñ, e toodoo. kwuñtoo e?
No, that’s all. How much is it?
Where is…? | Onde é…? oñduh e…? |
Do you have…? | Tem…? tayñ…? |
saldo/descontos sahldoo/dushkoñtoosh | sale/reductions |
liquidação leekeeduh-sowñ | closing-down sale |
hoje, aberto até às… ohzh, uh-behrtoo uh-te ush… | open today until… |
baker’s | padaria | puduh-ree-uh |
bookshop | livraria | leevruh-ree-uh |
butcher’s | talho | tahl-yoo |
cake shop | pastelaria | pushtuh-laree-uh |
clothes (women’s) | roupa de senhora | roh-puh duh sun-yoruh |
clothes (men’s) | roupa para homem | roh-puh paruh omayñ |
gifts | brindes | breeñ-dush |
glasses | óculos | oh-kooloosh |
greengrocer’s | frutaria | frootuh-ree-uh |
grocer’s | mercearia | mersee-uh-ree-uh |
hairdresser’s | cabeleireiro(a) | kuh-buh-lay-ray-roo(-ruh) |
jeweller’s | joalharia | zhwal-yuh-ree-uh |
market | mercado | merkah-doo |
optician | oculista | okooleesh-tuh |
pharmacy | farmácia | farmass-yuh |
shoe shop | sapataria | sapuh-tuh-ree-uh |
shop | loja | lozhuh |
souvenir shop | a loja de souvenirs | lozhuh de soovehneersh |
stationer’s | papelaria | papuh-laree-uh |
supermarket | supermercado | sooper-merkah-doo |
tobacconist’s | tabacaria | tabakuh-ree-uh |
toy shop | loja de brinquedos | lozhuh duh breeñkay-doosh |
beef | a carne de vaca | karn duh vah-kuh | |
biscuits | as bolachas | boolah-shush | |
bread | o pão | powñ | |
bread (brown) | o pão integral | powñ eeñtuh-grahl | |
bread roll | o papo-seco/carcaça | pah-poo-seh-koo/karkasa | |
butter | a manteiga | muñtay-guh | |
cakes | os bolos | boh-loosh | |
cheese | o queijo | kay-zhoo | |
chicken | o frango | fruñgoo | |
coffee | o café | kuh-fe | |
cream | a nata | nah-tuh | |
crisps | as batatas fritas | butah-tush freetush | |
eggs | os ovos | oh-voosh | |
fish | o peixe | paysh | |
flour | a farinha | fareen-yuh | |
ham (cooked) | o fiambre | fee-uñ-bruh | |
ham (cured) | o presunto | pruh-zoontoo | |
honey | o mel | mel | |
jam | a compota | koñpotuh | |
lamb | o borrego | boray-goo | |
margarine | a margarina | marguh-reenuh | |
marmalade | o doce de laranja | dohss duh laruñzhuh | |
milk | o leite | layt | |
olive oil | o azeite | azayt | |
orange juice | o sumo de laranja | soomoo duh laruñzhuh | |
pasta | as massas | massush | |
pepper | a pimenta | peemeñtuh | |
pork | a carne de porco | karn duh porkoo | |
rice | o arroz | arrosh | |
salt | o sal | sal | |
(vegetable) stock cube | o caldo de legumes | kahldoo duh legoomush | |
(meat) stock cube | o caldo de carne | kahldoo duh karn | |
sugar | o açúcar | uh-sookar | |
tea | o chá | shah | |
vinegar | o vinagre | veenah-gruh |
apples | as maçãs | muh-suñsh |
apricots | os damascos | muh-mashkoosh |
bananas | as bananas | buh-nah-nush |
cherries | as cerejas | suh-ray-zhush |
grapefruit | a toranja | tooruñzhuh |
grapes | as uvas | oovush |
lemon | o limão | leemowñ |
melon | o melão | melowñ |
nectarines | as nectarinas | nek-tuh-reenush |
oranges | as