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Where do you work?お勤めはどちらですかotsutome wa dochira desu ka?
How’s your work?仕事はどうですかshigoto wa doo desu ka?
I’m…私は…watashi wa…
a doctor医者ですisha desu
a managerマネージャーですmaneejaa desu
a housewife主婦ですshufu desu
I work from home私は在宅勤務ですwatashi wa zaitaku-kimmu desu
I’m self-employed私は自営業ですwatashi wa jieigyoo desu

天気予報 tenki-yohooweather forecast
晴れ harefine
悪い waruibad
曇り kumoricloudy
変わりやすい天気 kawariyasui tenkichangeable weather

sunny天気がいいですtenki ga ii desu
It’s muggy蒸し暑いですmushiatsui desu
It’s raining雨が降っていますame ga futte imasu
It’s snowing雪が降っていますyuki ga futte imasu
It’s windy風が強いですkaze ga tsuyoi desu
What a lovely day!なんていい日nante ii hi!
What awful weather!なんてひどい天気nante hidoi tenki!
What will the weather be like tomorrow?明日の天気はどうですかashita no tenki wa doo desu ka?
Do you think it’s going to rain?雨が降りそうですかame ga furisoo desu ka?
It’s very hot today今日はとても暑いですkyoo wa totemo atsui desu
It’s very cold today今日はとても寒いですkyoo wa totemo samui desu
Do you think there will be a storm?嵐になると思いますかarashi ni naru to omoimasu ka?
Do you think it will snow?雪になると思いますかyuki ni naru to omoimasu ka?
Will it be foggy?霧になると思いますかkiri ni naru to omoimasu ka?
What is the temperature?気温は何度ですかkion wa nando desu ka?

       Getting around

反対 hantaiopposite
…の隣 …no tonarinext to…
…の近く …no chikakunear to…
信号 shingootraffic lights
横断歩道 oodan-hodoopedestrian crossing
(道路の) 角 (dooro no) kadocorner (of road)

すみません、駅までどうやって行きますか sumimasen, eki made dooyatte ikimasu ka? Excuse me, how do I get to the station?
まっすぐ行って、一つ目の角を右/左に曲がってください massugu itte, hitotsu-me no kado o migi/hidari ni magatte kudasai Keep straight on, turn right/left at the first corner
遠いですか tooi desu ka? Is it far?
いいえ、200メートル/5分くらいです iie, nihyaku-meetoru/go-fun kurai desu No, about 200 metres/five minutes
ありがとう arigatoo! Thank you!
どういたしまして doo itashimashite You’re welcome

We’re lost道に迷ってしまいましたmichi ni mayotte shimaimashita
We’re looking for……を探しています…o sagashite imasu
Is this the right way to…?…に行くのはこれでいいですか…ni iku no wa kore de ii desu ka?
Can I/we walk there?そこまで歩けますかsoko made arukemasu ka?
How do I/we get…?どうすれば … に行けますかdoo sureba … ni ikemasu ka?
to the station駅にeki ni
to the museum美術館にbijutsukan ni
to the shopsお店にomise ni
Can you show me on the map?地図で示してもらえますかchizu de shimeshite moraemasu ka?

下った所 kudatta tokorodown there
後ろ ushirobehind
もう一度聞いてください moo ichido kiite kudasaithen ask again

      Places such as Kyoto have tourist day passes and bus route maps in English, which you can obtain at a bus station. Local buses usually board from the rear door, but if your journey is not covered by a flat fee you may need to pick up a numbered ticket. A board at the front of the bus displays the fares, based on the numbers. You will need to know your destination in Japanese characters. Some buses board from the front door and require you to pay as you enter. Tickets for long/middle distance coach trips, as well as express buses, are usually sold at the coach counter or ticketing machine.

すみません、どのバスが中心部に行きますかsumimasen, dono basu ga chuushimbu ni ikimasu ka?Excuse me, which bus goes to the centre?
15番ですjuugo-ban desuNumber 15
バス停はどこですかbasutei wa doko desu ka?Where is the bus stop?
すぐそこ、右にありますsugu soko, migi ni arimasuThere, on the right
どこで乗車券を買えますかdoko de jooshaken o kaemasu ka?Where can I buy the tickets?
売店で買えますbaiten de kaemasuAt the news-stand

Is there a bus/tram to…?…に行くバス/路面電車はありますか…ni iku basu/romen-densha wa arimasu ka?
Where do I/we catch the bus to…?どこで …行きのバスに乗れますかdoko de … iki no basu ni noremasu ka?
Where do I/we catch the tram to…?どこで … 行きの路面電車に乗れますかdoko de … iki no romen-densha ni noremasu ka?
I/we would like to go to……に行きたいんですが…ni ikitain desu ga
How much is it to go to…?…までいくらですか…made ikura desu ka?
the centre中心部chuushimbu
the beach浜辺hamabe
How often are the buses to…?…に行くバスはどのぐらい出ていますか…ni iku basu wa donogurai dete imasu ka?
When is the first bus to…?…行きの始発バスはいつですか…iki no shihatsu basu wa itsu desu ka?
When is the last bus to…?…行きの最終バスはいつですか…iki no saishuu basu wa itsu desu ka?
Please tell me when to get offいつ降りたらいいか教えてくださいitsu oritara ii ka oshiete kudasai
Please tell me when we are at...…に着いたら教えてください...ni tsuitara

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