Collins Gem. Collins Dictionaries

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run ferry services on certain routes where the JR Pass can be used. There is a good ferry network in Japan linking the various islands. Ferries can be used as an alternative to trains if you wish to travel between the islands and have time to spare. During the holidays some lines can be very busy, so if you are driving it is advisable to book a place in advance.

Do you have a timetable?時刻表はありますかjikokuhyoo wa arimasu ka?
Is there a car ferry to…?…に行くカーフェリーはありますか…ni iku kaa-ferii wa arimasu ka?
How much is a ticket…?切符はいくらですかkippu wa ikura desu ka?
How much is it for a car and … people?車と人が …人でいくらですかkuruma to hito ga … nin de ikura desu ka?
one person一人hitori
two people二人futari
three people三人san-nin
Where does the boat leave from?ボートはどこから出ますかbooto wa doko kara demasu ka?
Are there any boat trips around Tokyo bay?東京湾の遊覧船はありますかtookyoo-wan no yuuransen wa arimasu ka?
When is the next boat?次の船は何時ですかtsugi no fune wa nan-ji desu ka?
How long does the trip take?遊覧はどのくらいかかりますかyuuran wa donokurai kakarimasu ka?

これが最終便です kore ga saishuu-bin desuThis is the last boat
今日はやっていません kyoo wa yatte imasenThere is no service today
車は何ですか kuruma wa nan desu ka?What type of car do you have?

      At the airport, most signs are written in both Japanese and English. Most of the airport staff understand and speak some English. The three biggest airports are Narita, Kansai and Haneda. You can find airport details by visiting, and

到着 toochakuarrivals
出発 shuppatsudepartures
国際 kokusaiinternational
国内 kokunaidomestic
搭乗口 toojooguchiboarding gate

How do I/we go to…?…にはどうやって行けばいいですか…niwa dooyatte ikeba ii desu ka?
to the airport空港にはkuukoo niwa
to town街にはmachi niwa
to the hotel……ホテルには…hoteru niwa
to the … airport…空港には…kuukoo niwa
checked luggage預かり荷物azukarinimotsu
hand luggage手荷物tenimotsu
Is there a bus to the airport?空港行きのバスはありますかkuukoo iki no basu wa arimasu ka?
Where is the check-in desk for…?…のチックインカウンターはどこですか…no chekku-in kauntaa wa doko desu ka?
Which carousel is for the luggage for the flight from…?…から着いた荷物はどのターンテーブルですか…kara tsuita nimotsu wa dono taanteeburu desu ka?
Where can I change some money?お金の両替はどこでできますかokane no ryoogae wa doko de dekimasu ka?
Where can I print my ticket?チケットの印刷はどこでできますかchiketto no insatsu wa doko de dekimasu ka?
I have my boarding pass on my smartphone搭乗券はスマホに入っていますtoojooken wa sumaho ni haitte imasu

…番ゲートから搭乗します …ban geeto kara toojoo shimasuBoarding will take place at gate number…
番ゲートまで至急お進みください …ban geeto made shikyuu osusumi kudasaiGo immediately to gate number…
液体物禁止 ekitaibutsu-kinshiNo liquids
荷物が重量制限をオーバーしています nimotsu ga juuryoo seigen o oobaa shite imasuYour luggage exceeds the maximum weight

      UK, US, Canadian and Australian visitors to Japan do not require a visa for short business trips and holidays. During your stay, you are not allowed to work. It is advisable that you have proof of identity at all times, so make sure that you always carry your passport.

日本人帰国 nihon-jin kikokuJapanese people returning to the country
外国人入国 gaikoku-jin nyuukokuNon-Japanese people entering the country
税関 zeikancustoms

Do I have to pay duty on this?これに税金がかかりますかkore ni zeikin ga kakarimasu ka?
It’s for my own personal use私が使う物ですwatashi ga tsukau mono desu
It’s a presentプレゼントですpurezento desu
I have nothing to declare申告する物はありませんshinkoku suru mono wa arimasen
We are on our way to… (if in transit through a country)…に行く途中です…ni iku tochuu desu
My passport私のパスポートwatashi no pasupooto
My visa私のビザwatashi no biza
I came here on……で来ました…de kimashita

      You must obtain an international driving permit prior to leaving your country. You also need to carry your own national licence while driving in Japan. You will be required to produce your international driving permit to rent a car.

運転免許証 unten-menkyoshoodriving licence
総合保険 soogoohokenfully comprehensive insurance

I want to hire a car車をかりたいですkuruma o karitai desu
for … days…日…nichi
with automatic gearsオートマ車ootoma sha
What are your rates…?…料金はいくらですか…ryookin wa ikura desu ka?
per day一日のichinichi no
per week一週間のisshuukan no
How much is the deposit?保証金はいくらですかhoshookin wa ikura desu ka?
Do you take credit cards?クレジットカードは使えますかkurejitto kaado wa tsukaemasu ka?
Is there a charge per mile/kilometre?走行距離の支払いはありますかsookoo-kyori no shiharai wa arimasu ka?
Does the price include fully comprehensive insurance?この金額は総合保険料を含んでいますかkono kingaku wa soogoohoken-ryoo o fukunde imasu ka?
Must I return the car here?車はここに返さなければいけませんかkuruma wa koko ni kaesanakereba ikemasen ka?
By what time?何時までにですかnan-ji made ni desu ka?

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