Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design. Группа авторов

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Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design - Группа авторов

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      2.5.2 Profitability Assessment


      The total revenue increases with increasing quantity of NGLs in the feed, despite the fact that each feed is primarily methane (Figure 2.7).

Commodity Units Base case
Heat value $/gal 0.02
Ethane $/gal 0.262
Propane $/gal 0.632
n‐Butane $/gal 0.691
Base case
Total fixed cost (MM$) 29.5
Total variable cost (MM$/yr) 13.6
Feedstock cost (MM$/yr) 204
Total revenue (MM$/yr) 225
Annual net profit (MM$/yr) 5.50
Total capital investment (MM$/yr) 34.6
ROI (%) 15.9

      Higher methane composition feeds generally require fewer modifications to the existing plant. As a result, the TCI change for these feeds is very low (Figure 2.8). However, the additional annual net profit for these feeds is also low. The necessary modifications are justified economically, using the criteria of IROI > 10%, for all the cases except for the high methane case (Feed #1).


      Some feeds are more likely to occur than others. To obtain a more accurate picture of whether or not each stream is worth treating, its IROI is multiplied by the probability for it to occur (see Table 2.2 for details). Next, the IROI based on probability of occurrence was calculated (Figure 2.10).


      As can be seen all of the listed feeds are still worth treating based on the IROI > 10%. Despite the fact that Feed #5 generates the most additional revenue, it is only barely worth making the additional needed capital investment because the probability of this feed occurring is very low (7.50%).

      The total ROI calculated for these five feeds based on their likelihood to occur is determined from Eq. (2.13).

      2.5.3 High Acid Gas Case Economics

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