Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design. Группа авторов

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Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design - Группа авторов

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less; however this reduction in revenue is more than offset by the reduction in feedstock cost. A further calculation shows, assuming average NGL prices, the heating value price must be less than US$5.42 per MMBtu to achieve an ROI of more than 10%.

c02f013 NGL Price Cases

Case 4 Case 5 Case 6
Heating value Average Average Average
NGL prices −1 Standard deviation −2 Standard deviation −3 Standard deviation

      A methodology was developed for process design under uncertainty for a shale gas treatment plant. An integrated approach of process simulation, design under uncertainty, techno‐economic analysis, and safety assessment was used to determine the optimal design of the gas treatment plant. A number of feeds with varying inlet compositions were examined to represent the uncertain compositions of shale gas. A case study was carried out for data from the Barnett Shale Play.

      A key observation is the increase of both revenue and processing costs with increasing NGL content. As measured by ROI, all feeds (including the high acid case) are worth treating, except the high methane case (Feed #1). From the sensitivity analysis, it can be concluded that for the base case, shale gas processing is still profitable for even the highest feedstock prices. However, a drop of one standard deviation in product prices will make processing highly unprofitable.

      Included in the Appendix are key parameters for the process simulations. Further guidance can be found in the Bryan Research & Engineering guide [24].

      Table 2.A.1 Dehydration column parameters for the base case (Feed #3).

Column Feed flow rate (MMSCFD) T (°F) P (psig) Number of trays
Contactor 150 101 996–998 2
Regenerator 0.830 214–308 0–4 4

      Feed flow rate is a standard vapor volumetric flow rate.

Stream Water (mass%) TEG (mass%)
Makeup 0.1 99.9
Stream Circulation rate (gal/lb)
21 2–5 gal glycol/lb water in stream 1


      Table 2.B.1 Demethanizer column parameters.

Column Total feed flow rate (MMSCFD) T (°F) P (psig) Number of trays Light/heavy key
Demethanizer 202 −111 to 65.4 250–254 10 Methane/ethane

      Feed flow rate is a standard vapor volumetric flow rate.

      Table 2.B.2 Low temperature separator (LTS) inlet temperature.

Stream T (°F)
10 −25

      Table 2.B.3 Outlet pressure for the pressure changing equipment.

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Stream P (psig)
13 250