Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design. Группа авторов

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Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design - Группа авторов

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for the base case feed.

HA feed
ΔAnnual net profit (MM$/yr) 11.8
ΔTotal capital investment (MM$/yr) 6.15
Incremental ROI (%) 192

      2.5.4 Safety Index Results

Feed #1 Feed #2 Feed #3 Feed #4 Feed #5 HA feed
Overall 19.48 27.85 31.83 34.03 34.43 26.83

      The lower methane cases are less safe to process. This is because the flows are generally larger in these designs because dehydration is more difficult, and because the fractionation process has higher flow rates due to higher NGL content. Nonetheless there is really not a significant difference in these process designs from a safety perspective. Therefore economic criteria should be the main concern for deciding whether or not to treat streams.

      2.5.5 Sensitivity Analysis

Maximum Minimum Average Standard deviation
Heating value ($/MMBtu) US$13.42 US$1.72 US$4.40 US$2.22
Ethane ($/gal) US$1.39 US$0.14 US$0.43 US$0.27
Propane ($/gal) US$1.89 US$0.36 US$0.97 US$0.37
n‐Butane ($/gal) US$2.31 US$0.49 US$1.26 US$0.47

      By far the biggest contributor is the heating value, which affects both raw material cost and the sales gas price. This makes sense because methane is the predominant component for this feed (77.78 mol%). Heating Value Cases

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Heating value −1 Standard deviation Average +1 Standard deviation
NGL prices Average Average Average

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