An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

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An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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transcriptomic level.

      Before a detailed discussion of cellular structures and their functions (see Chapters 35), a short summary of the biochemical basics of cellular and molecular biology is given in Chapter 2.

Problem Technique/instrument Remarks
Structure elucidation of proteins Protein isolation, column chromatography (gel filtration, ion exchange, affinity) Chapter 7
Gel electrophoresis Chapter 7
Protein–protein interactions (FRET, two hybrid systems, FRAP) Chapters 19 and 23
X‐ray diffraction
Cryoelectron microscopy
Mass spectrometry Chapter 8
Protein sequencing
DNA PCR and quantitative PCR (qPCR) Chapter 13
DNA/RNA isolation Chapter 9
DNA hybridization Chapter 11
Sanger sequencing Chapter 14
Restriction enzymes Chapter 12
Gel and capillary electrophoresis Chapter 10
Next generation sequencing Chapter 14
Microsatellite analysis Chapter 11
SNP analysis Chapters 14 and 21
FISH Chapter 11
In situ hybridization Chapter 11
RNA (transcriptomics) RNA‐seq (NGS) Chapters 14 and 21
DNA microarrays Chapter 11
In situ hybridization Chapter 11
Cell and tissue culture Cells with reporter genes
Cell sorting
Organoid cultures
Stem cells
Cancer cells
Hybridoma cells for production of monoclonal antibodies
Cell cycle analysis Chapter 18
Patch clamp recording Chapter 17
Microscopy Light microscope (bright field, dark field, phase contrast, differential interference contrast)

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