An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

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An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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Chapter 19 Fluorescence microscope (confocal) Chapters 19 and 20 Immunofluorescence and GFP fusion proteins Chapter 19 Super‐resolution microscopy (STED, SIM, PALM, STORM) Chapter 19 Atomic force microscopy Chapter 19 Electron microscope Chapter 19 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) Cryoelectron microscopy Chapter 19 Image processing Cloning and expression Plasmid and viral vectors Chapter 15 Expression vectors Chapters 15 and 16 Fermenters Genomic and cDNA libraries Chapter 21 Reverse genetics Genetic engineering Transformation Chapter 15 Transfection Chapter 15 RNAi CRISPR–Cas gene editing Transgenic organism New active agents Recombinant antibodies Chapter 16 Recombinant vaccines Chapter 16 Recombinant enzymes Chapter 16 Information DNA sequences Chapter 24 Genomes Chapter 24 Proteins Chapter 23 System biology Chapter 23

      Abbreviations: SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; GFP, green fluoresecnt protein; NGS, next generation sequencing.

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       Michael Wink

       Heidelberg University, Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology (IPMB), Im Neuenheimer Feld 329, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

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