An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

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An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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all cellular proteins that are regulated through phosphorylation and GTP/GDP to gain a better understanding of regulation processes and regulatory pathways or networks inside the cell (see Section

Image described by caption.
Base Nucleotide (abbreviation) Nucleotide (number of phosphate groups)
1 2 3 1 2 3
Adenine Adenosine (A) AMP ADP ATP dAMP dADP dATP
Guanine Guanosine (G) GMP GDP GTP dGMP dGDP dGTP
Cytosine Cytidine (C) CMP CDP CTP dCMP dCDP dCTP
Thymine Thymidine (T) dTMP dTDP dTTP
Uracil Uridine (U) UMP UDP UTP

      AMP, adenosine monophosphate; ADP, adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; d, deoxy.

Image described by caption. Image described by caption. Image described by caption.

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