An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

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An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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lipid bilayers spontaneously form spherical vesicles, which makes them energetically favorable. (b) Schematic view of a liposome. Receptors, antibodies, and ligands may be integrated into the outside."/>

      Small closed vesicles consisting of synthetic phospholipids are also called liposomes (Figure 3.2b). These play an important role in medicine and biotechnology, as they serve as vehicles for pharmaceutical compounds. They can be loaded with aggressive toxins. Researchers are trying to modify liposomes so that they can direct them to their targets via receptors or antibodies that are embedded in the liposomal membrane (see Chapter 26). This could prevent chemotherapeutics, such as those used in cancer therapy, from attacking and damaging healthy cells.

Asymmetric structure of biomembranes. Due to the presence of negatively charged phosphatidylserine, the inside of a membrane is negatively charged. Membrane Permeability

Ion Intracellular concentration Extracellular concentration
Na+ 5–15 mM 145 mM
K+ 140 mM 5 mM
Mg++ 0.5 mMa) 1–2 mM
Ca++ 100 nMa) 1–2 mM
H+ 10−7.2 M(=pH 7.2) 10−7.4 M(=pH 7.4)
Cl 5–15 mM 110 mM

      a) Ca++ and Mg++ also occur bound to proteins within the cell (1–2 mM or 20 mM, respectively).

       Smaller nonpolar molecules such as O2, CO2, and N2 are lipid soluble, diffusing rapidly through biomembranes. This is also true for lipophilic organic molecules such as benzene or chloroform. Many therapeutics are strongly lipophilic and can thus diffuse freely into the body.

       Small uncharged polar molecules are slightly slower to diffuse through the membrane. This category includes molecules such as H2O, ethanol, urea, or glycerol.

       The biomembrane forms an effective barrier to larger charged molecules (sugar, amino acids, and nucleotides).

       Small charged inorganic ions such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, or Cl− are unable to permeate the lipid bilayer through free diffusion.

A schematic view of the barrier function, using the example of an artificial lipid bilayer, depicting the permeability of artificial lipid membranes for biologically relevant substances.

      Membrane permeability can be modified by certain agents. For example, bacteria are vulnerable to antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and certain antibiotics, such as the peptide antibiotics tyrothricin, polymyxin B, gramicidin, and valinomycin or the polyene antibiotic amphotericin B. These substances act on the biomembrane and disrupt the ion balance specifically or nonspecifically; some are ionophores. Many plants produce saponins, which unselectively disturb membrane permeability. Furthermore, the effect of some inhaled anesthetics can be interpreted as a disturbance of the biomembrane and of the ion channels. Transport Processes Across Biomembranes

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