An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

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An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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Schematic view depicting the communication pathways between cells. (a) Contact-dependent signaling. (b) Paracrine signaling. (c) Synaptic signaling. (d) Endocrine signaling.

      Source: Alberts et al. (2015). Adapted with permission of Garland Science.

Hormone Hormone gland Target Activity/function
Releasing hormones (P) Hypothalamus Adenohypophysis
Inhibitory hormones (P) Hypothalamus Adenohypophysis Regulate release of hormones from adenohypophysis
Oxytocin (P) Hypothalamus Uterus, mammary gland Stored and released from neurohypophysis; stimulates uterus contractions, milk secretion, love, and empathy
Thyreotropin (GP) Adenohypophysis Thyroid Stimulates synthesis and secretion of thyroxin
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (P) Adenohypophysis Adrenal cortex Stimulates secretion of hormones of adrenal cortex
Luteinizing hormone (LH) (GP) Adenohypophysis Gonads Stimulates secretion of sex hormones from ovary and testes
Follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH) (GP) Adenohypophysis Gonads Stimulates development of egg and sperm cells
Somatotropin (hGH) (P) Adenohypophysis Bones, liver, muscles Stimulates protein synthesis and growth
Prolactin (P) Adenohypophysis Mammary Stimulates milk production
Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) (GP) Adenohypophysis Melanocytes Regulates pigmentation of skin
Endorphins, enkephalins (P) Adenohypophysis Neurons of spinal cord Analgesic properties
Adiuretin (ADH, vasopressin) (P) Neurohypophysis Kidneys Stimulates water reabsorption and increases blood pressure
Melatonin (AA) Epiphysis Hypothalamus Regulates biological rhythms (e.g. day/night rhythm)
Thyroxin (AA) Thyroid Many tissues General stimulant of metabolism
Calcitonin (P) Thyroid Bones Stimulates bone formation, lowers Ca2+ levels in blood
Parathormone (P) Parathyroid Bones Stimulates bone absorption, increases Ca2+ levels in blood
Thymosins (P) Thymus Leukocytes Activates T‐cell activity
Glucagon (P) Pancreas Liver Stimulates glycogen breakdown, increases blood sugar levels
Somatostatin (P) Pancreas Pancreas Inhibits release of glucagon, insulin, and digestive enzymes
Insulin (P) Pancreas Liver, muscles Stimulates uptake of glucose and glycogen formation
Gastrin (P) Stomach Stomach Stimulates release of digestive juices, enhances motility of stomach
Secretin (P) Duodenum Pancreas, stomach, gall bladder Regulates digestion processes, induces contraction of gall bladder
Adrenaline/noradrenaline (AA) Adrenal medulla Heart, liver, blood vessels Stimulates glycogen breakdown; stimulate heart, circulation, and blood pressure
Cortisol (glucocorticoid) (S) Adrenal cortex Muscles, many tissues
Aldosterone (mineral corticoid) (S) Adrenal cortex Kidneys Stimulates excretion of K+ and ammonium ions and Na+ reabsorption
Estrogen (S) Ovary Mammary, uterus Regulates development and function of female sexual characters and sexual behavior
Progesterone (gestagen) (S) Ovary (corpus luteum) Uterus Important for pregnancy and embryonic development
Testosterone (S) Testes Diverse tissues Regulates formation of sperm cells, development and function of male sexual characters and sexual behavior; can enhance aggressiveness

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