An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

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An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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3.11). The pathways downstream the original receptor are often not linear but complex networks. Members of pathways and networks often assume roles in more than a single context, which make their analysis far from easy. Many elements of these pathways behave like molecular switches, which can quickly change their state from active to inactive. Reversible phosphorylation/dephosphorylation and binding of GTP/GDP or ATP/ADP are common elements of these switches (Figure 2.16). Many pathways and networks are apparently regulated by positive and negative feedback mechanism.

      3.1.2 Endomembrane System in a Eukaryotic Cell

      Most eukaryotes have an extensive endomembrane system covering the entire intracellular space. The most striking parts are the ER and the Golgi complex. The ER is especially elaborated in endocrine cells. Other compartments are also contained in biomembranes and form separate reaction entities within the cell. The characteristics of internal biomembranes may vary, depending on the membrane proteins and lipids they contain.

Image described by caption.

      Piles of membranous tubules form the Golgi complex (Figure 3.12). The Golgi complex receives vesicles containing proteins from the ER on the cis side and passes them on for transport on the trans side to lysosomes or to the cytoplasmic membrane for export. The proteins are modified in the Golgi complex – sugar residues are cleaved off or added (see Sections 5.3 and 5.4). The Golgi complex is particularly developed in glandular cells.

Diagrams of (a) an animal cell and (b) plant cell depicting the similarities of animal lysosomes and plant vacuoles.

      Plant cells do not contain lysosomes, but vacuoles. These can make up by far the largest compartments in adult plant cells (Figures 1.2 and 3.13). Vacuoles store inorganic ions and low‐molecular‐weight metabolites (e.g. sugar, organic acids, and amino acids). All plants produce secondary compounds such as flavonoids, phenylpropans, tannins, terpenes, iridoid glycosides, alkaloids, glucosinolates, and cyanogenic glycosides, which are not needed for their primary metabolism. Contrary to earlier beliefs, they are not waste products, but ensure the survival of the plant, defending it against herbivores and microorganisms. As signal compounds, they can also help communicate with other organisms by attracting insects for pollination or animals for seed propagation. Polar secondary compounds are frequently stored in vacuoles, whereas lipophilic compounds are kept in oil vessels, resin channels, or glandular cells. Often, secondary compounds are stored as prodrugs, and only when the plant is wounded or an infection occurs will they be activated – mostly by β‐glucosidase cleaving off a glucose residue. Seeds contain vacuoles storing a protein reserve. Vacuoles can have various functions in a plant cell – providing additional storage space or acting as a defense or signaling compartment. The storage function in particular requires high osmotic pressure inside the vacuole, which is crucial for the stabilization and growth of the plant (turgor regulation). Active transport in plants mostly functions via proton gradients, as opposed to animal cells, which rely more on Na+/K+ gradients, using Na+, K+‐ATPase (see Section

      Peroxisomes are small membrane‐enclosed, mostly rounded vesicles in which H2O2 is produced or degraded (e.g. by the enzyme catalase).

      3.1.3 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

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