Organic Mechanisms. Xiaoping Sun

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Organic Mechanisms - Xiaoping Sun

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that at a given time t, the molar concentration of the product P is x. Therefore, the molar concentrations of reactants A and B are [A] = [A]0x and [B] = [B]0x, respectively. [A]0 and [B]0 are initial concentrations of reactants A and B, respectively.

      From Equation 1.18, we have

      Integrating Equation 1.21 on both sides and applying the boundary condition t = 0, x = 0, we have

      If the reactants A and B have different initial concentrations, Equation 1.19 becomes

      If one of the reactants (such as B) in Equation 1.5 (the bimolecular reaction: A + B ➔ P) is in large excess (typically 10–20‐folds, i.e., [B]0/[A]0 = 10–20), the change in molar concentration of reactant B in the course of the reaction can be neglected ([B] ~ [B]0) [2]. The rate law (Eq. 1.18) becomes

      Let k′ = k[B]0 (the observed rate constant). We have

      The reaction becomes pseudo first order. The integrated rate law is

      1.4.2 Reactive Intermediates and the Steady‐State Assumption

      It is tedious to obtain the accurate solutions of the above simultaneous differential equations. Appropriate approximations may be employed to ease the situation [2].

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