Organic Mechanisms. Xiaoping Sun

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Organic Mechanisms - Xiaoping Sun

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(such as radicals and carbocations) possess high energies and are unstable and highly reactive. Therefore, the formation of such an intermediate is usually relatively slow (with a high Ea), while the subsequent transformation the intermediate experiences is relatively fast (with a low Ea). Mathematically, k1 is much smaller than k2 (k1k2). As a result, the concentration of the reactive intermediate (such as Y in Reaction 1.28) remains at a low level and it essentially does not change in the course of the overall reaction. This is referred to as the steady‐state approximation. The changes in concentrations of the reactant, intermediate, and product over time for Reaction 1.28 are illustrated in Figure 1.2. It shows that the intermediate Y in Reaction 1.28 remains in a steady‐state (an essentially constant low concentration) in the course of the overall reaction, formulated as

      With the help of the steady‐state approximation, the dependence of concentrations of all the substances in Reaction 1.28 on time can be obtained readily [2].

      [X]0 is the initial concentration of X.

      From Equation 1.30 (rate equation for Y) and Equation 1.32 (steady‐state assumption for Y), we have


      On the basis of the stoichiometry for Reaction 1.28, the initial concentration of the reactant X can be formulated as




      Equations show the dependence of concentrations of all the substances in Reaction 1.28 on time [2].

      1.4.3 Rate‐Laws for Stepwise Reactions

      Since Z is produced only from the k2 step which is a unimolecular process, the rate equation for Z is first order in Y.

      The steady‐state assumption is applied to the intermediate Y, and its rate

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