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for a host of commercial product‐containment purposes. These traverse informatics and IT, such as CD or USB stick packaging, through to the diverse range of degradable (e.g. cooked meat) and non‐degradable (e.g. retorted canned fish) foods and also the protective and containing roles of packaging used for over‐the‐counter and prescription‐only medicines, surgical aids, or emergency medicines, and to safeguard the consumer against accidental consumption or contamination. Everything from furniture to garden centre compost and on to mobile phone devices is enveloped in an informative and protective sheath of packaging. In this book, topics centre on foods, medicines, and medical devices but these still account for only approximately 45–50% of global packaging use. Packaging accounts for about one‐third of the use of all polymeric materials and is by far the single biggest use of the materials. Medicine bottles and closures alone, for example, account for about one‐third of pharmaceutical packaging use.

      The reasons for adherence to packaging use are manifold but are based on the ability of the materials to reduce wastage and, in doing so, because of scarcity or perishable status, reduce the product cost. A crude estimate suggests that 30–50% of ‘thrown food’ and medicinal products are disposed of because of inadequate storage; therefore, extending shelf life by a means that requires passive storage without energy consumption consequently saves energy (need for freezing/refrigeration/cooling). The pack itself also has a very important mechanical role in that it reduces damage while presenting the product in an aesthetically pleasing form. For a number of products that require a guarantee of microbial security, the pack also serves as a means to avoid pack tampering (see Chapter 8). At the same time the pack must provide information (safety, nutrition, dosage strength, mode of operation) to the customer and, therefore, aid selection or choice‐making. When well designed, a package can provide convenience, as in the case of ring‐pull or easy‐opening closures, and may in the presentation of an easily recognisable form aid the marketing of goods. However, the complexity and sheer number of layers of packaging in composite materials combined with the non‐biodegradable nature of some forms of packaging (plastic, laminated paper, glass) have contributed enormously to concerns raised over packaging persistence in the environment, unsightly littering, and global pollution. These then lead to angst over after‐use, disposal in terms of the cost, and the extent of ‘effective’ disposal or energy recovery. These more negative aspects have led to a perception of overpackaging among the general public for products such as oven‐ready foods and pharmaceutical packages.

      An often misunderstood but very obvious purpose of packaging is its use in marketing and recognition, through which, by application of careful tactical and market opportunity surveillance, a specific design that means market‐leading capability can be crafted. Branding and brand identity have very powerful roles in marketing of the product (food, medicine, device) and an assurance to engage the customer. Where this is not done successfully, the best an organisation can hope for is simply market‐leader following. Consequently, all successful design considerations take into account product uniqueness, distinctiveness, and functionality; without the last a customer purchases the product only once and is discouraged by the awkwardness of the product. For pharmaceuticals and medical devices packaging is a fundamental and key part of current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) and also part of good distribution practice (GDP); cGMP and GDP are enshrined in the international standard British Standard (BS)‐European Norm (EN)‐International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 and are intimately associated with the assurance of quality and, by implication, safety. The stringent label requirements of packaging serve to ‘protect and inform’ the recipient with the provision of important information, such as dosing and dosage strength, adverse effects, and allergenicity, reinforced by the legal aspects of commercial activity. The form of the pack and its performance, such as ease of bottle opening or ease of dispensing of a tablet from a push‐out pack or blister pack, need to be consistent with mass manufacture and distribution, but this is not achieved without appropriate production testing and the associated higher cost of producing consistently high quality.

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