Packaging Technology and Engineering. Dipak Kumar Sarker

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Packaging Technology and Engineering - Dipak Kumar Sarker

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ceramic vessels, or pottery were used for pharmaceuticals, chemicals of medical use (e.g. opium elixir, Epsom salts, cold cream, quicksilver [mercury]), and foods (honey, beers, spirits, ginger beer). However, stoneware is now used as a value‐adding tool and to aid product marketing but there are no current forms of medicines making use of pottery. Part of the downfall of ceramics and their replacement with glass is a result of its lower cost in earlier times, e.g. Victorian and pre‐Victorian periods. In recent times, the return of stoneware has been used to infer a traditional basis for the manufacture of products (typically beverages and food) and thus extra value. Stoneware‐mimicking glasses have now also been made possible by frosting and compounding or pigmenting of the glass, and these have replaced nearly all food uses of ceramic containers. Metal Packaging

      Two materials, namely steel sheeting (or aluminium sheeting) and metallic ends, are used to make tinplate metal packaging. Higher grade iron, with less carbon, known as steel, forms the scaffold in the form of sheets that are electroplated with metallic tin to prevent oxidation. A further layer of organic or resinous lacquer is applied to the tin‐plated steel; therefore, any direct contact of steel with can contents (usually food) is removed. In this manner, corrosion‐resistant metal packages can be mass produced. Can bodies and ends are produced for various types of product such as high‐acid, low‐acid, and high‐sulfur‐resistant metal packaging. Other than food products, metal packaging is also used for the packaging of pigments, oils, waxes, paints, and chemical materials. The metal packaging forms a physical barrier, which is resistant to pests (insects and rodents) and also to humidity, light, and air. The thermal resistance of lacquered tin or aluminium cans favours sterilisation and is consequently used as a standard form of packaging. This is certainly the case for foods, where use is common because the can and contents can be heated and simultaneously cooled during retort sterilisation without contamination of the contents. Paper and Cardboard Packaging

      Paper at first appears to be a simple material but this is an underestimation of a complex polymeric resource that has a colourful and extensive history, with the material undergoing many processing revisions and refinements across the centuries. The first paper was constructed from woven and intertwined papyrus reeds and this even pre‐dates the well‐known originators of wood‐pulp paper in north‐eastern China. The process of making the ‘modern’ form of paper is thought to date back to the Han Dynasty (200 BCE to 200 CE). A Chinese court official, called Ts'ai Lun, in north‐eastern China fabricated fine‐grade paper sheeting by improving on an existing process dating from a century prior to his technological advancement. This paper was fabricated from fine‐fibre materials, such as mulberry, and the bark from nettles, hemp, and flax. The first recorded use of wrapping paper dates back to 100 BCE with paper made from hemp. The first paper book was dated at 256 CE and by 300 CE paper use was widespread in China and Japan. From about 750 CE paper use was seen to move from China via the ‘silk route’ to the Middle East. At approximately 900 CE paper was found ubiquitously in Egypt with an early form of paper packaging being used for wrapping spices and fruit dating back to 1035. From this point in time, paper use spread to Europe through the Spanish courts in 1085 and then on to the rest of Europe via France. By the late sixteenth century paper production in Europe was well established and there was a more formalised form of paper mill‐based production of paper in England, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Russia. In 1844 Friedrich Gottlob Keller and Charles Fenerty began undertaking experiments replacing cotton fabrics and substituting with an exclusive paper made only from wood pulp. Importantly, Henry Fourdrinier, a British engineer, and his brother, Sealy, invented and improved on a prototype of the casting Fourdrinier machine. The paper‐making machine changed the process from one of batch fabrication to one where continuous variable sized rolls of paper could be made with ease.

      Corrugated cardboards are produced by two flat paper liners bonded to one another by a corrugated layer called fluting. The three or more layers are glued by a material usually made from maize starch or polymeric water‐based adhesive. This gluing function provides the material with strength and unity and enables the material to provide cushioned protection of the encased product against impact from the corrugated layer. Secondary packaging made of corrugated cardboard is very popular among manufacturers. This is mainly because of the cheapness of these packages but also the low weight to high strength ratio that provides adequate protection [4]. Key performance‐indicating test methods for packaging include puncture resistance to defy a force that will allow a tool of a specified shape and dimensions to puncture and pass completely through a test specimen. Similar test criteria can be applied to tear and bending deformation and bursting strength resistance along with crush resistance. Wooden Packaging

      Commercial wooden packaging is a rarely used commodity in modern times. Despite being one of the oldest packaging materials, its use for foods, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices is now virtually non‐existent. A combination of weight, fragility, risk of contamination during transport or reuse, and durability mean its only use is for luxury goods and some fruit or vegetable shipments. Wood used for packaging material is customarily treated with pesticides and insecticides to avoid infestation and to protect its contents. Examples of the persistent use of wood include pallets (for heavy goods), boxes (often for valued products such as tea and coffee), crates (fruit or wine), and barrels (beer, wine, and liquors). Plastic Packaging

      The plastic packaging used across the globe is made from processing various products from crude oil and gas. However, only about 5% of global oil resources are used in the production of plastic and an astonishing mere 3.5% of this small amount is lavished on the production

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