Packaging Technology and Engineering. Dipak Kumar Sarker

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Packaging Technology and Engineering - Dipak Kumar Sarker

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directive 94/62/EC). These bodies and nomenclature systems together have helped group materials into six usable categories (Table 1.2). The categories of plastics, paper, metals, glass, and the seldom used category ‘organic materials’ in addition to composite materials are now marked on most products to aid recycling and clarify chemical make‐up. The codes range from 01 for PET plastic, 22 for paper, 41 for aluminium, and 79 for glass through to 80 and higher numbers for composite or mixed materials. The table also indicates the main uses of the listed material, which includes, for example, in the case of iron (number 40), its use in aerosol cans, tin‐plated cans, lids, and staples but that might also include fittings and hinges in wooden crates. Indexed labelling of packaging materials in this manner has been hugely valuable and is responsible for much of the improvement in worldwide recycling and local municipality recycling practice.

      1.2.2 Types of Packaging: An Overview and the Basics

Category Numerical code Abbreviation code Packaging materials(s) Use
Plastics 01 PET, PETE Polyethylene terephthalate Drinks bottles, trays, fibres
02 HDPE High‐density polyethylene Tough bottles, bags
03 PVC, V Polyvinyl chloride Bottles of corrosives
04 LDPE Low‐density polyethylene Polythene bags, containers
05 PP Polypropylene Shampoo, syringes
06 PS Polystyrene Cases, Styrofoam
07 OTHER, O All other plastics (PC, PA, PAN, SAN, bioplastics) Bottles, biodegradables
08 Reserved for new materials
09 ABS Acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene Tough coverings, cases
Paper 20 C PAP, PCB Cardboard Secondary packaging
21 PAP Other paper Leaflets
22 PAP Paper Labels
23 PBD Paperboard Boxes
Metal 40 FE Steel (low‐carbon iron) Aerosol cans, tin‐plated steel, lids, staples
41 ALU Aluminium Cans, closures, tubes
Organic material 50 FOR Wood Crates, pallets, boxes
51 FOR Cork Bottle stoppers
60 COT Cotton Insulation
61 TEX Jute, hemp Sacks, packing
62–69 TEX Other textiles
Glass 70 GLS Mixed glass, multi‐part glass Glass bottles, food, medicines
71 GLS Clear glass
72 GLS Green (chrome oxide) glass
73 GLS Dark sort glass

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