Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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bind to the more abundant glycosaminoglycans are readily selected. For example, adaptation of Sindbis virus to cells in culture has led to the selection of variants that bind heparan sulfate. Nevertheless, the majority of viral receptors and coreceptors identified experimentally have proven to fulfill these functions in vivo.

      Many receptor molecules can move in the plasma membrane, leading to the formation of microdomains that differ in composition. Bound virus particles may therefore localize to specialized areas of the plasma membrane such as lipid rafts, subdomains rich in cholesterol and glycosphingolipids; caveolae, small invaginations formed by caveolin oligomers; or clathrin-coated pits. Such areas may promote endocytosis of receptor-bound virus particles by distinct pathways.


       Is it a receptor or a coreceptor?

      The use of the words “attachment factors,” “receptors,” and “coreceptors” can be confusing, particularly as different terminologies are adopted in different manuscripts. Convention dictates that the first cell surface molecule that is found to be essential for virus binding is called its receptor. However, virus particles may initially bind molecules that aid attachment to the cell surface but are not essential for binding, termed attachment factors. Binding to attachment factors is generally nonspecific, mediated by electrostatic interactions, and does not permit virus entry into the cell.

      Following specific binding of the viral proteins to the receptor, binding to additional cell surface molecules, known as coreceptors, may be required for entry to occur. The distinction between receptors and coreceptors usually relies on the order in which they are bound; however, this order might be difficult to determine experimentally and can be influenced by cell type and multiplicity of infection. Additionally, a particular cell surface molecule that serves as an attachment factor for one virus may be a receptor for another. The use of these terms is meant to facilitate our understanding, even though it might not be entirely precise.


      Example of virus attachment factors, receptors, and coreceptors. The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein mediates all interactions with target cell surface molecules. Electrostatic interactions with heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) can enhance the initial attachment of the virus particle for some strains (but can inhibit others). HSPG binding is not required for entry. The primary receptor for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is CD4, and the CD4 binding site has been precisely mapped on the viral envelope glycoprotein. Interaction with CD4 induces conformational changes that allow the envelope protein to engage a coreceptor, usually CCR5. Binding to CD4 is required for binding to CCR5; hence CCR5 is a coreceptor. Interaction with CCR5 induces further changes in the envelope glycoprotein that result in fusion of the viral and target cell membranes (see text).

      Decades of technological advances have enabled the identification of many receptors for viruses. First, production of monoclonal antibodies provided a powerful means of isolating and characterizing individual cell surface proteins. Hybridoma cell lines that secrete monoclonal antibodies that block virus attachment are obtained after immunizing mice with intact cells. Such antibodies can be used to purify the receptor protein by affinity chromatography.

      As new technologies become available, they are also employed in the identification of viral receptors. The murine norovirus and the bat influenza A virus receptors were identified using a genome-wide CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat)/Cas9 screen (Chapter 2). After multiple rounds of infection, single guide RNAs targeting plasma membrane proteins were enriched in cells that survived, demonstrating that these proteins were important for infection by the virus used in the screen. Screens that rely on knocking down gene expression benefit from the availability of haploid cells, which carry a single copy of each gene. A human haploid cell line proved very useful in the identification of ebolavirus and Lassa virus receptors by insertional mutagenesis. As with every screen, the function of each protein identified as a viral receptor was confirmed using additional experimental approaches.

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