Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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are shown, four of which are essential for entry. Initial attachment to HSPG (heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans) is mediated by gC and gB. gD engages the main receptor, which can be either nectin-1, HVEM (herpesvirus entry mediator), or 3-OS-HS (3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate). Subsequently, gD binds the gH/gI heterodimer, which then activates gB to mediate fusion. The entry route can differ depending on the cell. For example, the gK protein enables fusion at the plasma membrane of neurons.

      Binding of virus particles to cell receptors not only concentrates the particles on the cell surface, but also activates signaling pathways that facilitate virus entry and movement within the cell or produce cellular responses that enhance virus propagation and/or affect pathogenesis. Binding of virus particles may lead to activation of protein kinases that trigger cascades of responses at the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus (Chapter 14). Second messengers that participate in signaling include phosphatidylinositides, diacylglycerides, and calcium. Regulators of membrane trafficking and actin dynamics also contribute to signaling. Additionally, virus-receptor interactions can stimulate antiviral responses, such as synthesis of type I interferons (Volume II, Chapter 3).

      Signaling is essential for the entry of some viruses, such as simian virus 40, into cells. Binding of this virus particle to its glycolipid cell receptor, GM1 ganglioside, causes activation of tyrosine kinases. The signaling that ensues induces reorganization of actin filaments, internalization of the virus in caveolae, and transport of the caveolar vesicles to the endoplasmic reticulum (Fig. 5.6). The activities of more than 50 cellular protein kinases regulate the entry of this virus into cells.

      The caveolin-dependent pathway participates in transcytosis, signal transduction, and uptake of membrane components and extracellular ligands. Binding of a virus particle to the cell surface activates signal transduction pathways required for pinching off caveolae, which then are transported within the cytoplasm. These vesicles ultimately fuse with the caveosome, a larger membranous organelle that contains caveolin (Fig. 5.11). In contrast to endosomes, the pH of the caveosome lumen is neutral. Some viruses, like echovirus type 1, penetrate the cytoplasm from the caveosome.

      Although in cell culture virus particles can enter cells preferentially by one pathway, many viruses appear indiscriminate and enter via multiple pathways. For example, herpes simplex virus can enter cells by three different routes and simian virus 40 is taken up by both caveolin-dependent and clathrin-/caveolin-independent pathways. Influenza A virus can enter cells by both clathrin-dependent endocytosis and macropinocytosis, a process by which extracellular fluid is taken into cells via large vacuoles. Many virus particles are taken up by this pathway, including vaccinia virus, ebolaviruses, and herpesviruses (even though the latter can also fuse at the plasma membrane). Upon receptor binding, viruses that enter cells via macropinocytosis trigger a signaling cascade that leads to changes in cortical actin and ruffling of the plasma membrane (Fig. 5.10). When these plasma membrane extensions retract, the viruses are brought into macropinosomes and eventually leave these vesicles via membrane fusion. A more dramatic rearrangement of actin filaments leads to the formation of filopodia, thin extensions of the plasma membrane. Virus particles of polyomaviruses can be visualized moving laterally on the plasma membrane on filopodia, and filopodia bridges participate in cell-to-cell spread of retrovirus particles in cells in culture (Chapter 13).

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