Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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and caveolin independent. Clathrin-dependent endocytosis (top left side of the cell) commences with binding to a specific cell surface receptor followed by diffusion into an invagination of the plasma membrane coated with the protein clathrin on the cytosolic side (clathrin-coated pits). The coated pit further invaginates and pinches off, a process that is facilitated by the GTPase dynamin. Within a few seconds, the clathrin coat is lost and the vesicles fuse with small, smooth-walled vesicles located near the cell surface, called early endosomes. The lumen of early endosomes is mildly acidic (pH 6.5 to 6.0), a result of energy-dependent transport of protons into the interior of the vesicles by a membrane proton pump. The contents of the early endosome are then transported via endosomal carrier vesicles to late endosomes located closer to the nucleus. The lumen of late endosomes is more acidic (pH 6.0 to 5.0). Late endosomes in turn fuse with lysosomes, which are vesicles containing a variety of enzymes that degrade sugars, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. Particle uncoating usually occurs from early or late endosomes. Virus particles may enter cells by a dynamin- and caveolin-dependent endocytic pathway (right side of the cell). Caveolae are distinguished from clathrin-coated vesicles by their flask-like shape, their smaller size, the absence of a clathrin coat, and the presence of a marker protein called caveolin. Three types of caveolar endocytosis have been identified. Dynamin 2-dependent endocytosis by caveolin 1-containing caveolae is observed in cells infected with simian virus 40 and polyomavirus. Dynamin 2-dependent, noncaveolar, lipid raft-mediated endocytosis occurs during echovirus and rotavirus infection, while dynamin-independent, noncaveolar, raft-mediated endocytosis is also observed during simian virus 40 and polyomavirus infection. This pathway brings virions to the endoplasmic reticulum via the caveosome, a pH-neutral compartment. Clathrin- and caveolin-independent endocytic pathways of viral entry have also been described (top center-right of cell). Movement of endocytic vesicles within cells occurs on actin filaments or microtubules, the components of the cytoskeleton. Actin filaments are two-stranded helical polymers of actin. They are dispersed throughout the cell but are most highly concentrated beneath the plasma membrane, where they are connected via integrins and other proteins to the extra-cellular matrix. Transport along actin filaments is accomplished by myosin motors. Microtubules are 25-nm hollow cylinders made of tubulin. They radiate from the centrosome to the cell periphery. Movement on microtubules is mediated by kinesin and dynein motors.

      In the case of enveloped viruses, fusion between viral and cellular membranes must occur to deliver the viral nucleic acid into the cell. Membrane fusion takes place during many cellular processes, such as cell division, myoblast fusion, and exocytosis, and must be regulated in order to maintain the integrity of the cell and its intracellular compartments. Consequently, membrane fusion proceeds by specialized mechanisms mediated by proteins and requires energy. Some of the best-characterized fusion machines are viral envelope glycoproteins.

      Envelope glycoproteins from different virus families appear utterly dissimilar in primary amino acid sequence and domain organization, structure, and even function. Receptor binding and fusion of some virus particles are mediated by the same protein. For others, these functions are segregated into two distinct proteins. Some viral proteins can mediate fusion at the cell surface, while others require activation by acidic pH in endocytic vesicles. Nevertheless, despite these differences, the fusion mechanism is remarkably similar between all fusion proteins from different virus families and relies on conformational changes in the viral protein or subunit that mediates fusion. Based on protein structure, viral fusion proteins can be assigned to one of three classes. Class I includes the most extensively studied examples of fusion proteins, exemplified by influenza virus HA. The study of this protein elucidated the mechanism of fusion with general features that are common to all fusion proteins regardless of class.

       Class I Fusion Proteins

      In addition to influenza virus HA, this class includes the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein and paramyxovirus fusion proteins. These proteins are initially synthesized as a polyprotein precursor that is thermo-dynamically stable until subsequently cleaved. Proteolytic cleavage is a determinant of tropism: for example, inefficient cleavage of some avian influenza HA protein precursors in mammalian cells limits their zoonotic potential. This tropism restriction occurs because cleavage is essential for the release of the fusion peptide, a highly hydrophobic sequence that can insert into lipid membranes and that lies at the cleaved, extreme N terminus of the transmembrane subunit. Following cleavage, the fusion peptide has to be sequestered until the virus particle leaves the producing cell and reaches the target cellular membranes; otherwise it can insert into membranes prematurely.


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