Clinical Guide to Oral Diseases. Crispian Scully

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Clinical Guide to Oral Diseases - Crispian Scully

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      CO: A 23‐year‐old man presented with painful gums and bad breath.

      HPC: His gums had been sore over the last ten days and associated with sialorrhea, metallic taste and bad breath.

      PMH: This man had no serious medical problems, but his diet was inadequate and poor in proteins and fresh vegetables/fruits. He had lost his job last year and since then started to smoke more than 30 cigarettes daily.

      Q1 What is the cause of his bad breath?

      1 Smoking

      2 Chronic gingivitis

      3 Acute necrotizing gingivitis

      4 Malnutrition

      5 Plasma cell gingivitis


      1 No

      2 No

      3 Acute necrotizing gingivitis is the cause of this condition, and is characterized by painful gums and inter‐dental papillae necrosis, both being associated with metallic taste and halitosis.

      4 No

      5 No

      Q2 Which other conditions are associated with this gingival condition?

      1 Diabetes, mild

      2 Drug (heroin) addiction

      3 HIV‐AIDS +ve

      4 Vitamin deficiency

      5 Respiratory diseases


      1 No

      2 Patients addicted to heroin and other drugs have neglected oral hygiene, which is the main predisposition factor for the development of acute necrotizing gingivitis (ANG).

      3 Immunodeficiencies caused by HIV viruses are often associated with a number of oral conditions including ANG, especially when the number of circulated CD4 lymphocyte count is lower than 200 cells/μL in their bloods.

      4 Deficiency of various vitamins, especially B12 and C due to malnutrition seems to play an important role in ANG and other periodontal diseases by affecting DNA synthesis, cellular maturation and immunity.

      5 No

      Comments: Although smoking is a causative factor for both respiratory and periodontal diseases including ANG, ANG tends to appear among younger patients with poor oral hygiene or uncontrolled severe diabetes mellitus or with psychological stress and immune‐suppression. Chronic respiratory diseases affect older patients, are progressive and can jeopardize the patient's life but not provoke the development of this type of gingivitis.

      Q3 The microbiota pathogens of ANUG are:

      1 Treponema spp.

      2 Fusobacterium spp.

      3 Selenomonas spp.

      4 Streptococcus viridans

      5 Lactobacillus acidophilus


      1 Treponema species are a group of spiral‐shaped bacteria that play a role in the pathogenesis of several diseases including syphilis (Trep. pallidum); periodontal and pulp diseases (Trep. denticole and Trep. lecithinolyticum).

      2 Fusobacteria are anaerobic Gram –ve, non‐spurring, rod‐shaped bacilli, inhabitants of the oropharynx which cause several human diseases such as ANG and other periodontal diseases, skin atypical ulcerations and thrombophlebitis (Lemierre syndrome).

      3 Selenomonas are anaerobic, Gram –ve, curved or crescent‐shaped rods that are isolated mainly from human oral cavity and play a crucial role in ANUG and other periodontal diseases.

      4 No

      5 No

      Comments: Streptococcus viridans belong to a large group of Gram +ve bacteria that are isolated within the oral cavity and are mainly related to caries and not to periodontal diseases. Lactobacillus acidophilus is also a Gram +ve bacterium, but is part of the vaginal microbiota and does not play a role in the pathogenesis of ANUG.

      Case 4.5


      CO: A 46‐year‐old man presented complaining of bad smell and breath over the last one and a half years.

      HPC: According to the patient, his bad breath was first noticed during the period of his divorce, and became more severe during the last six months. His halitosis was constant during the day, easily noticed by him but not by his close relatives. At the same time, body odor problems were reported. Both complaints gave him serious concerns about meeting with other people at his job.

      PMH: He had no serious medical problems apart from being carcinophobic, as he lost his best friend from a lung carcinoma five years ago. He was not under any medicine uptake and never a smoker or drinker.

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