Methodologies in Amine Synthesis. Группа авторов

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Methodologies in Amine Synthesis - Группа авторов

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that have developed cascade reactions between electron‐poor O‐acyl oximes 25 and styrenyl boronic acids 26 (Scheme 2.7) [29]. This reactivity was also based on the generation of an iminyl radical by reductive SET from a photoexcited catalyst, its following transposition by 1,5‐HAT, and the reaction of the corresponding distal carbon radical with the olefin. Although the methodology was only used to install styrenyl‐type substituents, it enabled the fast assembly of small‐molecule building blocks 27 difficult to target by other methodologies.

Chemical reaction depicts the intermolecular remote C(sp3)–H and C–C vinylations via iminyl radicals under photoredox-catalysis.

      Source: Modified from Shen et al. [29]. 1,5‐HAT via Amidyl and Sulfamidyl Radicals

      As discussed in Section 2.2, the strong electrophilic character of amidyl and sulfamidyl radicals means that very effective 1,5‐HAT transpositions can be achieved.

Chemical reaction depicts the remote C(sp3)–H allyation of amides using organic photocatalyst.

      Source: Modified from Wu et al. [31].

Chemical reaction depicts the site-selective remote C(sp3)–H heteroarylation of amides.

      Source: Modified from Chen et al. [34].

Chemical reaction depicts the visible-light-promoted C(sp3)–H amidation and chlorination of N-chlorosulfonamides.

      Source: Modified from Quin and Yu [35].

      2.3.2 Oxidative Strategies 1,5‐HAT via Iminyl Radicals

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