The Age of Fitness. Jürgen Martschukat

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The Age of Fitness - Jürgen Martschukat

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Western consumer societies, the 1970s were a time of both consolidation and change, and the tensions between the achievement-oriented society and consumer society continued to grow. Nutrition and food played a central role here, and they carried an array of economic, social, and political meanings: from so-called countercuisine, which emerged along with alternative lifestyles in the 1960s and articulated an ecological and economic critique, to mass-produced industrial goods on an unprecedented scale. Chicken nuggets, to take one example, have nothing to do with chicken. From a somewhat longer-term perspective, the ensuing years and decades have shown that countercuisine and mass production are not necessarily antagonistic. Alternative health food stores, which sprang up in both West Germany and the United States in the early 1970s, developed into supermarket chains. The success of organic food as a mass-produced commodity demonstrates capitalism’s ability to co-opt critical forces.39

      One might ask why all of this matters to a history of fitness. Social geographer Julie Guthman is one of the most astute analysts of the relationship between capitalism, consumption, and bodies in recent history and the present day. She characterizes the neoliberal political economy as “bulimic.” On the one hand, Guthman contends, this system calls for slim, seemingly high-performance bodies, while on the other it steers us toward maximum consumption of industrially produced, highly calorific foods. Their production has become so absurdly cheap, she goes on, that within the capitalist logic of retail and consumption it makes perfect sense to offer, or consume, larger packs and portions at an only slightly higher price. Hence, according to this analysis, the seller ensures customer loyalty (at almost the same labor costs, given that even a “supersize meal” only has to be passed across the counter once), and the buyer gets more for their money. In capitalism, maximum consumption at minimum prices is a very rational behavior. In addition, many consumers are desperate to save money due to falling wages and increasing job insecurity. And those compelled to do several jobs at once to make ends meet are more likely to opt for the fast (and cheap) consumption of snacks and ready meals than for the slow food option. Many poorer neighborhoods are so-called “food deserts,” in which it is simply impossible or very difficult to find healthy food. In such a scenario, the much-vaunted freedom of choice and decision – so highly valued as the core of liberalism, and in the United States more than anywhere else – boils down to income, price, and living conditions. Guthman underscores that the correlation between body shape and class, fatness and poverty is fueled by this dynamic blend of neoliberal politics, a growing wealth gap, and cheap, industrially produced food.43

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