Preaching in/and the Borderlands. Группа авторов

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Preaching in/and the Borderlands - Группа авторов

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without the identity of the earth and the animals either. We must call on what Indian literary critic and theorist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak called “strategic essentialism,”5 and even expanding it to the earth and all sentient and non-sentient beings in order to find our commonalities in the common struggle. Instead of feeding a “network of doubling, uncertainty, and equivocation,”6 we must offer mutual trust, assurances for a collective work done for liberation of people. Where spaces for ambiguities are held together.

      Be Aware of Our Own Selves: Circulation and Borderlands

      Aim at Changing Feelings too, not Only Ideas

      The white reason has impinged on us a “codified madness” so we lose our forms of thinking and resistance. “Race” says Mbembe,

      Under the MAGA “generator of fears and torments and thoughts of terror,” we are seeing the infinite sorrows of our people, the catastrophe of our countries, and the merciless account on the lives of the immigrants, here and elsewhere. We must ponder the ways in which we have to deal with the emotional results of this madness, the ways in which we are drenched into paradoxical relations between feelings and actions, syndromes and disconnections, spiritual injuries, mental illnesses and resentments. How do we access these orbits and convolutions of emotional difficulties when we are the very ones who conjure psychological work as unnecessary and waste of time? As rage is a respondent to all of these calamities, we must muster our own selves, go deep into our own hearts and learn how to deal with it. So, our first movement is towards our soul so we find ways to keep the devouring mouth of rage to destroy us. Once we can understand that and deal with it, we can channel the energy of rage into forms of resistance and transformation and create paths of liberation.

      Stay Connected to the Ground

      Knowing Our People

      Our people rise, our people resist and protest. In the most wonderful ways. Our history is filled with moments in history when our people rose and created new worlds. They are resistance everywhere! Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in Mexico is resisting! The Teachers Movement also in Mexico is resisting! The Landless Movement in Brazil resisting! The Argentina’s Anti-Austerity Movement and the women are resisting! The students in Nicaragua are resisting! The campesino movement in Colombia is resisting! The environmental movement in Honduras is resisting! The queer movements everywhere are resisting! The indigenous communities everywhere are resisting!

      Creating an Aesthetics of Life and Death, Tears and Joy

      At, under and around the wall, we laugh! We laugh hard! We laugh in time and out of time. We laugh in place and especially out of place. We defy death with our stubborn laughter. We laugh during the day and cry when night comes. We laugh and cry together. When there is the news of a son that was fund alive in the desert, when somebody goes to a detention center, when someone has crossed the desert safe, when someone is raped. We laugh and cry without ceasing!

      The borders and the economic crushing of our communities are maddening. So, to find life out of this maddening

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