Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abū Shādūf Expounded. Yūsuf al-Shirbīnī
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لُعِنَ النَّصَارَى واليَهُودُ جَمِيعُهُمْ | نَالُوا بِمَكْرٍ مِنْهُمُ الآمالا |
جُعِلُوا أَطبّاءً وحُسّابًا لِكَي | يَتَقاسَمُوا الأرْواحَ والأمْوالا |
“As it happened in the days of the Master and Initiate of the Almighty, Shaykh Taqī al-Dīn Ibn Daqīq al-ʿĪd, God benefit us through him, when the sultan handed over control of the entire province of Egypt to a certain Christian for the collection of taxes. The latter used to visit the province with a great procession of servants and retainers and pass through the settlements collecting their taxes. He would ride his horse and dismount only when he had to eat and drink and stop for the night, so evil was he and so great the harm he brought. His horse had stirrups of steel plated with gold, to which he had attached two iron spikes that projected about a hand’s breadth. He would summon someone and the man would come, trembling with fright, and stand next to his horse, while the Christian, from the back of his horse, would speak roughly and brutally to him, telling him, ‘Pay the taxes you owe this minute!’ If the man did as he was told that was that, but if he did not he would strike him with the spikes, stabbing him or slashing his sides, so that he died. Such was his way with Muslims, God’s curse upon him! It happened that this same Christian went to the village of Shaykh Ibn Daqīq al-ʿĪd, God have mercy upon him, and summoned one of the shaykh’s followers who had a balance to pay on the tax on land that he cultivated. When the man came before him, he said to him, ‘Pay what you owe!’ but the man replied, ‘Give me till the end of the day.’ The Christian was about to put his stirrups to work and strike him with the spikes and kill him when the man turned and fled, the Christian in hot pursuit, until he came to the shaykh and threw himself down before him. The shaykh, who at the time was burning lime in a kiln (for that was his profession when he was young), asked what was the matter and the man told him the story. Before he knew what was happening, the Christian was towering over him. ‘Give him till the end of the day!’ the shaykh told him. However, the Christian replied to the shaykh with angry words, at which the shaykh became filled with fury and zeal for the defense of the Muslims and attacked him, grabbing him by the neck of his garments, so that he