Love Your Enemies. Gerd Steeger

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Love Your Enemies - Gerd Steeger

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The reason is that you are trapped in your materialistic cage and have not yet understood who and what you really are. Your cosmetics industry is a multi-billion-dollar apparatus because you are particularly concerned with what you can see in the mirror; you live more outside than inside. Many of your kind invest time and money exclusively in your outer shell, your body, and burden your energetic bodies with excessive consumption of violent videos, without realizing what you are charging your energetic body with. You are feeding your body genetically modified food without realizing what damage it is doing because it contains fragmented, subtle information that is very damaging to you. Some of your politicians have known this for a long time and have fought to stop the distribution of this form of "food" in Germany. On this point their efforts were especially praiseworthy, because you cannot estimate the health damage to the population, in the slightest.

      Similar things happen when you eat meat, as the stress and fear of the animals are depicted in their ethereal bodies. When you ingest such food, you also energetically absorb these fears into your own ethereal body that can result in negative thoughts, strong emotions, and sometimes even nightmares."

      Raphael paused briefly and then went on to say, "If you could only see how your aura darkens while watching a horror film, you might reduce your consumption of, or even completely avoid films of this kind. The respect you have for your body is unfortunately limited purely to its physical form. In order not to be misunderstood: to love your own body, to respect it and to take all necessary measures to keep fit, is not what I want to criticize, on the contrary. Your body is your vessel and should serve you in the most pleasant way for many years. It is also not wrong to pay attention to your physical body by using creams to make wrinkles disappear. On the other hand, it seems paradoxical to harm your body by letting 3 billion free radicals affect your body cells with each cigarette. You once saw a documentary in which a steak was cut through in the middle and each half was put on a different plate. One half remained untouched while the other half had its natural vitamin B antioxidants deliberately inactivated for the test. This allowed the free radicals to attack the cell structure, unhindered. Remember how unsightly that half of the steak looked after a short time. The same processes take place in your muscles, beneath your skin. You cannot see it directly, as the skin covers up your muscles; but if your skin has developed wrinkles, you get nervous and use ointments and creams against it. The cigarette industry provides the means of destruction, and the cosmetics industry provides an apparent remedy, to delay external degeneration. You pay a high price for your addiction and superficiality."

      Raphael now remained silent for a while as if he wanted to give me time to think about what was said. But this flood of information was to be just a fraction of what was to follow. After a while he said, "Do you want to start asking me questions that are on your mind? I briefly sorted my thoughts and decided to ask current and timeless questions, questions that occupy many people and immediately I started: "Why does God let so much injustice happen without intervening, although he would certainly be able to? What is the meaning of life?

      "You have asked me two questions that I do not want to link. So, I will answer them separately. The second question I could prefer and answer with a single sentence, but it wouldn't help you now. You would understand the words, but they would not reach your heart. From a certain point of view, in that case you would still not have grasped the meaning of the statement." I interrupted Raphael with the words: "Please tell me what the phrase is that includes something in a few words that philosophers have been using over the centuries, if not millennia, to rack their brains."

      Raphael stopped briefly, then looked at me with a smile on his face and said: "Your request is not unexpected. It will not serve you, but I will tell you: the meaning of life is to find love! Raphael took a break and looked deep into my eyes. I resumed the dialogue with the words: "You were right, Raphael.

      I can't do much with that sentence. Right now, it's really nothing more than one of many sayings I've read in books or on the internet somewhere, it sounds like a phrase."

      "You will be ready to understand the deeper meaning of the statement, different from understanding it now, with the mind and the heart. Everything needs time my dear friend, everything needs time. Even if you pull on a blade of grass, it does not make it grow any faster. You already know this saying. Perhaps it will help you if I tell you that letting go of many vices such as arrogance, revenge, greed, hatred, discord, injustice, false pride and envy can be seen as a step in the right direction. It is very helpful to free oneself from old beliefs and fears, on the way there".

      Nothing came out of his mouth but love and understanding. I did not dare to interrupt him, so I let him continue. "So, let us better start with the first question: why does God permit injustice, although he would have the power to intervene and thus prevent injustice? The question gains even more importance in view of the fact that looking the other way and allowing injustice to happen, is declared as complicity in your society. If you see injustice happening to a human being on the street, and you have the opportunity and the means to intervene and help that victim, but don’t - you would not only be called a coward for lack of courage, but you would also be brought to justice for failing to help. From this point of view one can understand why atheists do not want to believe in a God. In their eyes, non-intervention and wrongdoing would not only be a question of ignorance, but also a signal of coldness and mercilessness. However, this does not fit into the image of a God whom we like to portray as kind and loving. There are only a few cases where God apparently intervened, put an end to the torment and prevented the misery from continuing. On Atlantis and Mu such an incident happened thousands of years ago. However, it was not the Creator himself who brought about the change, but highly developed beings, the Guardians of the Galaxy, also known as the "Blue Lodge", who were responsible for it."

      Raphael paused, looked at the horizon of the sea, just as if he was looking for the right words to show me what had happened back then. A short moment later his eyes were on me again and he continued his conversation:

      "Atlantis, with its capital Agrobia that was about the size of today's Germany, was a beautiful country, comparable to today's Canada with many small towns and only 2 large cities. Agrobia had a population of 3 million and Atlantis had 10 million inhabitants. Atlantis, paradisaically beautiful, lay near the Azores and extended into the Atlantic Ocean. In the Azores, there are still remains from this time, remnants of a high culture, of which nothing can be recognized after thousands and thousands of years. The two advanced civilizations, Atlantis and Mu, dominated the Earth at that time. Humans had the highest level of development of all times, technology had its highest level in the history of mankind. With space ships, they could visit inhabitants of other galaxies, whose extra-terrestrials still have contact with your government representatives on Earth, today. Energy transmission to the individual houses was completely wireless. The energy was transformed by appropriate equipment in such a way that they were harmless for humans and could be nevertheless transported to the houses, where they could be utilized. I'm talking about a technology that was rediscovered by your Nikolai Tesla but not pursued for economic reasons."

      I interrupted Raphael briefly: "I read that Tesla's sponsor, J.P. Morgan was active in the copper trade at the time and was therefore understandably not particularly interested in promoting Tesla's idea of making households wireless with electricity.”

      "That's right," Raphael remarked briefly and continued, "Nikolai Tesla was a wireless power engineer on Atlantis and had a very high level of experience, back then. The knowledge Tesla had, would have completely changed your technology. Many environmental problems would have been avoided, in spite of the growing population and the respective increase in energy demands.

      Nevertheless, Atlantis and Mu had to be destroyed as the inhabitants violated both humanity and morality. They let the then still ape-like beings work for them, they produced androgynous beings, which are beings combining both female

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