Love Your Enemies. Gerd Steeger

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Love Your Enemies - Gerd Steeger

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and male characteristics, which were only used for specific tasks. They tortured nature in an unimaginably beastly way, they had no respect for life and for God. People were manipulated, blackmailed, sacrificed for all kinds of tests and genetic manipulations. Cross breading between humans and animals were made, all respect for life was ignored. Although there were only a few who were active in this beastly way, they were supported by the government of the time, which was elected by the people. Atlantis and Mu were doomed. For thousands of years, remains of Atlantis were still visible, but even they were buried over time. You will find nothing more of Atlantis and Mu".

      "Wait a minute," I interrupted Raphael. "Haven't there been many other cruel things that have happened since this incident. Midwives being first tortured and then burned alive, all the misery in the concentration camps, during the Second World War, abducted children who were sexually abused, killed and then eaten in Satanic circles, why didn't God or the Blue Lodge put a stop to it in these cases?

      With a penetrating, deep look he looked at me and then continued the conversation:

      "It's not God's job to interfere in people's affairs. God is not a controller, he is a creator. A creator creates something and nothing more. God created the physical universe and gave all beings the opportunity to develop and evolve. All life forms have their right to exist and all actions serve their purpose. Yes Gerd, even the cockroach and the mosquito have their right to exist. I know you don't blame me for having just read your thoughts. Each being is a part of the whole, is made of energy and are a part of God, reflecting his beauty and perfection. Your thoughts reveal that you don't fully agree with this, as you know of animals that you would classify as abominable or ugly. But believe me, in this case it's just an assessment, your imagination and judgment of what you think of it. Everything that nature produces, without human intervention and that has not been altered by genetic manipulation, is a part of God's creation and has a fixed place in creation.

      Many hideous human actions in your world, as you would describe it, are a product of your own free will. Free will is God's greatest gift to you human beings. Earth is a planet of learning that with all its beauty, offers the greatest chance to develop, but is also the greatest challenge to prove your humanity and love of your neighbours, to experience yourself as what you really are, a tiny part of the whole, of a sheer endless energy and love that you call God. You are the drop of water in an infinite ocean and only your idea of separateness prevents you from recognizing yourself for what you really are, a part of that perfection that you call God. All souls are the part split off from God, on a long journey to experience themselves and give the Creator the opportunity to experience themselves through you. You are of the same substance and nature. Gerd, to illustrate it with your understanding of computers, I would describe the divine energy as being represented by a central server, and the tens of billions of souls are then the workstations. All information flows from the workstation to the server and back to the stations that request it. So, all experiences are transported to the big whole and this infinitely high vibrating energy which you call God allows you to request knowledge and abilities as needed".

      "So, in the computer world you would say you have to be 'connected'" I interrupted "and the 'port' must not be closed, but in a spiritual environment you would say you have to open up to make use of these possibilities, right?"

      Raphael nodded and continued: "Opening up requires some discipline and practice, above all no thought or expectation should disturb this process. Have you understood all this up to here?

      I tried with an intelligent facial expression and nod to leave no doubt that I understood everything. I was also as curious as a little child to learn more. There was no way I wanted to interrupt his flow of speech.

      "Shall I continue?" Raphael asked. I confirmed by nodding briefly again.

      "Through many rebirths, man continues to evolve and..."

      "STOP" I rudely interrupted Raphael. "What evidence, or at least circumstantial evidence, is there that people are coming back? Look, no one has yet come in a new body and could credibly convey that he is the reincarnation of XYZ."

      "Allow me to deal with this later so that this conversation retains a certain structure. If we keep jumping back and forth, you will be confused and will end up remembering less of our conversation. Do you agree that I should continue my conversation without interruption on your part?" I nodded approvingly. "All right." Raphael made a short pause, took some breath and continued.

      "Although some people assume that at least energy and matter were present at the origin of the universe, this is not entirely correct. In the beginning there was only energy, pure energy in extremely high vibration. This energy in the infinitely high vibration has received names from people such as God and Allah, Bik'ehgo'ihi'nań, Gitschi-Manitu and many more.

      If this energy oscillates less, it can take diverse shapes, e.g. matter. Matter is thus nothing else than condensed light-particles in very low frequencies. Hundreds of thousands of light-particles constitute each atom, many atoms build one molecule and so on.

      The whole universe actually only consists of the finest light particles that flood the entire cosmos. These light particles have inner forces and possess the SPIRIT OF GOD. Each light particle fills a very specific and defined space, whereby each one also defines a specific point of light. See it this way, for your understanding. The whole cosmos is in motion. There is not only, as previously discussed, a pulsing taking place, but also a coming and going. A rotation, a bundled rotation. When you observe images of galaxies, you recognize vortices, these are rotational movements of the cosmos. The whole cosmos swirls, if you like, and the acceleration forces are transmitted to each planet. From rotation comes life, this life is carried by even the smallest particles of light and develops the entire cosmos.

      Every particle of light has its fixed point in the cosmos and every particle has consciousness. A consciousness that defines its destiny at that very moment. So, the stone knows that it is carried by billions and billions of tiny particles of light and that each takes on the vibration of the stone, thus reaching a solid form. These light particles are a thousand times smaller than the atom and carry the information of being either light or matter. I have already mentioned this. Each atom consists of hundreds of thousands of these light particles and each atom determines its task in its own life. An atom, for example, has the purpose to be part of a plant, the other atom has the purpose to be the particle of a human being, a heart, a kidney or a tooth.

      The entire cosmos is destiny and is constantly evolving. Stars come, are born and die, and people come and go. Everything has its meaning and fulfils its purpose in the cosmos and is controlled by a great hand.

      Just look at it this way, everything consists of vibrations that are carried by the light particles. The physics of life and death depend on these vibrations. Oscillations from the infinitely fast to the various oscillations used in your material world. From compressed oscillations matter develops. The physics of life contains everything mobile, believe me, there is nothing dead, everything lives. I don't need to repeat it, see it this way. GOD in his love creates the creatures according to his plan and recognizes in it the spirit of love. Love carries the cosmos in its entirety and develops from it. It is a continuous coming and going, becoming and transforming.

      Life is created by the varying composition of the light particles. These all carry consciousness in them and the information to unite to atoms and molecules. When a plant emerges in the germ, the subtle elements first build up. The subtle plant is present first. Then the physical plant is formed. All information comes from the light particles of the universe. Consciousness is already formed in the seed, which has to assume exactly defined forms. This consciousness is radiated out into the cosmos during growth, with the demand for light particles that form the plant. My dear friend, everything is wonderfully connected with each other.

      If a particle resonates with the impulse emitted by the plant, this particle

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