Love Your Enemies. Gerd Steeger

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Love Your Enemies - Gerd Steeger

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and evil angels. You would take the spice away from every crime thriller or James Bond film if there were no evil opponent.

      The creation of polarity is therefore an important prerequisite for experiencing and feeling things, previously only known in concept, but it is not the only prerequisite.

      We remember, my dear friend, that all the particles split off from God's energy, are of the same nature as God Himself – as are the souls, too. You could say that you are a copy, of his substance. Every particle, every soul has the same power and ability as God Himself, so the Bible states quite rightly: "You, the people, are created in my image". Of course, this statement does not mean any external appearance, no personification, since God can take any conceivable form. With your highly-oscillating energy body, you humans are also capable of changing your appearance at will. What I mean is that the souls are just particles emitted from the same substance, you are like God. Due to the local separation of the God energy particles from each other, the Lord God is now in a position to use the split particles to perceive splendour and glory, however, this fact was only satisfying for a limited time. One can know that one is made of pure love, but the knowledge of this never replaces the experience. Let us look at an example: Forgiveness is an aspect of love. Since all particles - as well as the concentrated God energy - are in the highest form imaginable, everything knows only love, pure love. However, this does not provide a basis that makes it possible to forgive another human being. The next step would be to lower the vibration of the souls in such a way that ideal conditions are fulfilled. If an energy in high vibration is reduced, matter is created in the cosmos. Furthermore, you humans have had the consciousness of who you really are, pure divine beings, taken from you. It is these circumstances that allow you to have a behaviour that would allow forgiveness in the first place.

      The physical universe, the form of existence with the least vibration, has therefore been created solely for the purpose of creating for God and the souls, who are a part of God, an environment in which God can experience and perceive himself through the souls. This process, in which souls’ fuse with matter to become a physical body, is called incarnation. This process is meticulously planned down to the smallest detail by the incarnate and a specially trained angel. Bringing positive and negative karma from previous lives is taken into account in the planning.

      Negative karma usually results from having a serious disregard for life, such as deliberate killing, brutality, abuse, but also from problems in the relationship between partners, parents, children, relatives and friends.

      The popular belief that one cannot choose one's parents is incorrect, insofar as the parents with their physical bodies provide the matter and genetic code necessary, to master the tasks imposed upon them in this world.

      After the future path of life has been discussed and planned in all details, it must be stored in the 'Book of Life', also called the Akasha Chronicle, in the form of light bands.

      Once incarnated, each person would be aware of the fact of where he comes from and that he is a part of God. Moreover, one would be aware of the different roles and interactions with related souls, which would be more disconcerting. All of these circumstances would counteract the plan, e.g. to perform deeds that require forgiveness. Since man is a part of God of which he is conscious of, and this circumstance cannot be changed by anything at all, the only solution is to remove this consciousness (awareness or perception) from them – to make them simply forget what he is and where he comes from; he forgets that he himself is a part of God and that all people are his brothers or sisters, that we are all one. All memories of previous incarnations are erased for the duration of the incarnation. Under these circumstances, it is possible for the incarnate to concentrate fully on the self-imposed tasks and simply live.

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