Lectures on Quantum Field Theory. Ashok Das

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Lectures on Quantum Field Theory - Ashok Das

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      which coincides with the right hand side of (3.66). Therefore, we see that for infinitesimal transformations, we have determined the form of S(ϵ) to be


      Let us note here from the form of S(ϵ) that we can identify

      with the generators of infinitesimal Lorentz transformations for the Dirac wave function. (The other factor of image is there to avoid double counting.) We will see in the next chapter (when we study the representations of the Lorentz group) that the algebra (2.110) which the generators of the infinitesimal transformations, image σµν, satisfy can be identified with the Lorentz algebra (which also explains why they are closed under multiplication).

      Thus, at least for infinitesimal Lorentz transformations, we have shown that there exists a S(Λ) which satisfies (3.45) and generates Lorentz transformations and as a result, the Dirac equation is form invariant (covariant) under such a Lorentz transformation. A finite transformation can, of course, be constructed out of a series of infinitesimal transformations and, consequently, the matrix S(Λ) for a finite Lorentz transformation will be the product of a series of such infinitesimal matrices which leads to an exponentiation of the infinitesimal generators with the appropriate parameters of transformation.

      For completeness, let us note that infinitesimal rotations around the 3-axis or in the 1-2 plane would correspond to choosing


      with all other components of ϵµν vanishing. In such a case (see also (2.99)),

      A finite rotation by angle θ in the 1-2 plane would, then, be obtained from an infinite sequence of infinitesimal transformations resulting in an exponentiation of the infinitesimal generators as


      Note that since image we have S(θ) = S−1(θ), namely, rotations define unitary transformations. Furthermore, recalling that


      we have


      and, therefore, we can determine


      This shows that


      That is, the rotation operator, in this case, is double valued and, therefore, corresponds to a spinor representation. This is, of course, consistent with the fact that the Dirac equation describes spin image particles.

      Let us next consider an infinitesimal rotation in the 0-1 plane, namely, we are considering an infinitesimal boost along the 1-axis (x-axis). In this case, we can identify


      with all other components of ϵµν vanishing, so that we can write (see also (2.99))

      In this case, the matrix for a finite boost ω can be obtained through exponentiation as


      Furthermore, recalling that


      and, therefore,


      we can determine


      We note here that since image


      That is, in this four dimensional space (namely, as 4 × 4 matrices), operators defining boosts are not unitary. This is related to the fact that Lorentz boosts are non-compact transformations and for such transformations, there does not exist any finite dimensional unitary representation. All the unitary representations are necessarily infinite dimensional.

      In the last section, we have shown how to construct the matrix S(Λ) for finite Lorentz transformations (for both rotations and boosts). Let us note next that, since under a Lorentz transformation


      it follows that


      where we have used the relation (3.58). In other words, we see that the adjoint wave function image transforms inversely, under a Lorentz transformation, compared to the wave function ψ(x). This implies that a bilinear product such as image would transform under a Lorentz transformation as


      Namely, such a product will not change under a Lorentz transformation – would behave like a scalar – which is what we had discussed earlier in connection with the normalization of the Dirac wavefunction (see (2.50)

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