Russian Active Measures. Группа авторов

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      Harris, Shane. @ Wars: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex. New York: An Eamon Dolan Book, 2014.

      Hughes, James. “The Chechnya Conflict: Freedom Fighters or Terrorists?” Demokratizatsiya 15, no. 3 (2007): 293–311.

      Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. London, U.K.: Simon & Schuster, 1997.

      Kalugin, Oleg. Spymaster: My Thirty-two Years in Intelligence and Espionage Against the West. New York: Basic Books, 2009.

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      Lacqueur, Walter. Putinism: Russia and Its Future with the West, 1st ed. New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2015.

      Laruelle, Marlene. The “Russian World”: Russia’s Soft Power and Geopolitical Imagination. Washington, D.C.: Center of Global Interests, 2015.

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      Launer, John. “The Production of Ignorance.” Postgraduate Medical Journal 96, no. 1133 (2020): 179–80.

      Malko, Victoria A. The Chechen Wars: Responses in Russia and the United States. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015.

      McCauley, Kevin N. Russian Influence Campaigns Against the West: From the Cold War to Putin. North Charleston: SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

      Mickolus, Edward. The Counterintelligence Chronology: Spying By and Against the United States From the 1700s Through 2014. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2015.

      Motyl, Alexander J. “Putin’s Russia as a Fascist Political System.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 49, no. 1 (2016): 25–36.

      Politkovskaya, Anna. A Dirty War: A Russian Reporter in Chechnya, translated by John Crowfoot. London: Harvill, 2001.

      Pomerantsev, Peter. This Is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War against Reality. New York: PublicAffairs, 2019.

      Putin, Vladimir. “The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II.” The National Interest. 18 June 2020.

      Redden, Molly. “FBI Probing Whether Russia Used Cultural Junkets to Recruit American Intelligence Assets.” Mother Jones. 23 October 2013.

      Rid, Thomas. Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2020.

      Sen, Ashish Kumar. “Will Sanctions on Russia, Weapons for Ukrainians Keep Putin at Bay?” Atlantic Council. 7 April 2015.

      Shultz, Richard H., and Roy Godson. Dezinformatsia: Active Measures in Soviet Strategy. New York, NY: Pergamon-Brassey’s International Defense Publishers, 1984.

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      Stengel, Richard. Information Wars: How We Lost the Global Battle against Disinformation & What We Can Do About It. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2019.

      Stepanov, E. I., ed. Konflikty v sovremennoi Rossii: Problemy analiza i regulirovaniia. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 1999.

      U.S. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. From Competition to Collaboration: Strengthening the U.S.-Russian Relationship: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 111th Cong., 1st Sess., 25 February 2009. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2009.

      Van Herpen, Marcel H. Putin’s War: The Rise of Russia’s New Imperialism. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.

      Žižek, Slavoj. Violence: Six Sideways Reflections. London, U.K.: Picador, 2008.

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