Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (With Byron's Biography). Lord Byron

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Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (With Byron's Biography) - Lord  Byron

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And humbler gig——.—[MS.]

      *] A festive liquor so called. Query why "Roman"? [Query if "Roman"? "'Purl Royal,' Canary wine with a dash of the tincture of wormwood" (Grose's Class. Dict.).]

      ----for Punch or Purl.—[D.]

      "Brillante Cadix, qui t'élèves vers le ciel du milieu du bleu foncé de la mer."]

      "Pedibusque informe cadaver

       Protrahitur. Nequeunt expleri corda tuendo—"]

      Full from the heart of Joy's delicious springs Some Bitter bubbles up, and even on Roses stings.—[MS.]

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